South Corman Park School is excited about the growth in our community!

We view this as an opportunity to create new learning opportunities, while striving to maintain our warm, friendly, and inviting culture. South Corman Park School sets high standards for academic learning, including building strong literacy and math programming.  We have focused on developing outdoor learning programming, including learning about horticulture and agriculture.  We love our outdoor learning space!

As SCP moves forward in planning for a growing community, you may be wondering, “What does growth look like at South Corman Park School?”.  Here are a few current and upcoming initiatives: 

  • the addition of a new portable classroom  (fall of 2023)
  • the addition of a Industrial Arts space (fall of 2023) 
  • classroom renovations to accommodate mobility needs and collaborative learning  (ongoing)
  • extra-curricular programming, including basketball, volleyball, badminton, cross-country, and track
  • community partnerships (for example, the Corman Police, the SCPCA, and Agriculture in the Classroom)
  • family engagement
  • future planning with our SCC for accessible  playground development 
  • accessible washroom facilities (fall of 2022)
  • student leadership
  • the addition of library, technology, and classroom resources (ongoing)
  • additional washroom facilities (fall of 2023)
  • creation of outdoor learning spaces
  • additional transportation (December 2022 )

as well as a request to the Ministry for the addition of grades 9-12 at South Corman Park School!

South Corman Park Community Association Meeting

Uploaded File: scpca_classic_logo_2x.png

SCPCA–Community Engagement Session 

May 18, 7 pm, SCP School Gym

The intention of the Community Engagement Session is to provide the end users with the opportunity to hear about the project and the overall goals at this current time.  We would like to obtain community feedback on what is important to them and raise support for the project.  The project partners include the South Corman Park Community Association, RM of Corman Park, and Prairie Spirit School Division. 

  • aodbt will explain the process that goes into developing the feasibility study which includes:
    • Community Engagement
    • Key Stakeholder Meetings which include(s) partners, community members and users
    • Concept and Program Development
    • Costing Analysis
    • Report Back to Community and Stakeholders
    • Defining Next Steps

The focus of this first meeting is to build momentum and ensure there is support for the project. 

South Corman Park Community Association

PSSD Communications Regarding Growth and Development:

The Prairie Spirit Board of Education has approved moving a relocatable classroom to South Corman Park School for the 2023/24 school year. The relocatable classroom will be moved to SCP from another school in the Division. The Ministry of Education has provided funding which will cover architect fees, construction costs and moving expenses.

With the addition of Grade 7 students to SCP this year and Grade 8 students in the 2023/24 school year, this relocatable classroom will provide the additional space that is required for the expanding school.

In addition, the Board has submitted its annual major capital priority list to the Ministry of Education. The top priority for the Board of Education is a new Kindergarten to Grade 12 school for South Corman Park. This submission is based on the growing enrolment at the school and the feedback received in last spring’s community survey.

The Ministry of Education will review all capital requests from school divisions around the province and determine which projects are approved for the 2024 budget by March 2024. If approved, this major capital project will require a multi-year plan. We will continue to provide updates to the school community.

Prairie Spirit School Division

Share your feedback about SCP’s Growth and Development here