Grade 3 & 4 News

I hope everyone had a fantastic break! The 3/4s have an exciting week ahead! We are going on a field trip to Beaver Creek on Thursday. Thanks to everyone for sending baking for our sale on Tuesday! It really helped low- er the costs of our trip. In math the 3s will be moving on from fractions to geometry and the 4s will be moving on from fractions to decimals. We will be studying soil and plants in science and learning about different countries in social studies. We would love to have your clean and empty plastic food containers to start to prepare for our out- door garden! We would like to get outside as much as possible, so we will be focus- ing on soccer skills in phys. ed. this month. The students continue to work on their stories in Writer’s Workshop and their group writing projects.

Grade 3 & 4 News

The 3/4s have been having a great week! We have had a blast skating! Thanks to the parents and grand- parents who have come to tie skates! Both groups are almost finished their cur- rent math unit. The immigration interviews were very well done! I hope each student gained an understanding of what it is like to leave the life you know behind and move to a new country. The students are finished learning about rocks, minerals, and erosion. The last couple of weeks focused on erosion and the effects it has on our landscape. I hope you enjoyed the pictures that were emailed to you. Soil will be our next unit of study.

Grade 3 & 4 News

Well, it’s winter! Please remember to send ski pants, boots, and extra mitts for recess time. The kids love building forts and sliding down the hill, so extra socks and clothes are also good to have as a back up. In math the 3s are finishing up their unit on numbers to 1000. There is a unit test on Friday, November 21 for the grade 3s only. The 4s will likely have their text during the last week of November, depend- ing on how the last few les- sons go. The students are excited about their endangered species report! They are being challenged to think outside the box when it comes to their presentation. If they usually make posters, they should try something else this time. Miss Simonson will be finished teaching social studies this week. The students loved having her in the room and really enjoyed learning about agriculture. I think even some of our farm kids were surprised at how many different kinds of farms there are. We are doing a bit of football and a bit of floor hockey this month in phys. ed. I hope to get a few of the football coaches in our class to practice some skills and drills! In Reader’s Workshop, our next comprehension strategy is asking questions while reading. We are reading a book called Underground and the students are using their connections, background knowledge, and questions to try and figure out what the author is telling us. I am looking forward to seeing everyone at the Christmas Family Fun Night on December 10!

Grade 3 & 4 News

The 3/4 class has had an awesome month! Last Tuesday, we went to the AG-Exhibition at Prairieland. The students learned about all the different types of farming, took part in a cookie auction, and watched a sheep herding and a milking demonstration! Thanks to the parent volunteers who came with us! In math the 4s are studying whole numbers to 10 000 and the 3s are studying whole numbers to 1000. The students have created beautiful fall art pieces and continue to study the different elements of art. Up next are colour and printmaking! Miss Simonson will begin teaching Social Studies this month and in science we continue to study habitats. We have been learning about carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores. Next we will learn about predators, prey, and scavengers. It is Fire Safety month, so students will be learning about the devastating effects of forest fires and ways to prevent them. I look forward to seeing everyone at Tri Conferences!

Grade 3 & 4 News

Wow, this year is flying by! We are so busy in the 3/4 room! Students are finishing up their Writer’s Workshop projects and will be moving onto a variety of other writing activities to finish off the school year: writing and giving a speech, creating poetry, and listening to music and responding to it through art and reflective writing. In math the 3s are finishing geometry by constructing 3-D skeletons and creating castles. They will finish the year with multiplication and division. The 4s are working on multiplication of larger numbers and will finish the year with data analysis. In Reader’s Workshop we have been paying attention to which senses we use while reading. By paying attention to these sensory images, we are able to gain a deeper understanding of the author’s message. The rain sticks turned out to be beautiful! Students just finished watercolour rain art in order to create a video montage of our rain stick sounds with our rainy day pictures! Each student created a Métis farm diagram in order to understand the events that eventually led to the North-west Resistance. In Science, students will be inventing their own instruments to finish off our sound unit. They may need cer-tain materials from home. This information will be in their planners. Our last unit in Science will be studying light. The field trip note will be coming home in the next week. Our fundraising has been successful! This week students recycled the school’s cans and bottles in order to add to our field trip funds! Please send try-all-athon forms and money back to school as soon as possible. Enjoy the warm weather!

Grade 3 & 4 News

The Grade 3/4 class was surprised to discover the mess that pesky lepre- chaun made over the weekend! He got away, but at least he left us a treat! We’ve had a busy month. Both grades are in the middle of studying fractions in math. We just received letters from our epals in Saskatoon and are busy writing back to them. The students are amazed at how much they have in common with each other! We are studying gravity in Science and will be moving onto learning about sound. Each student is starting an individual writing assignment based on their interests. I am excited to see what they come up with when they are given the freedom to just write! In Reader’s Workshop, students have been retelling stories after reading them in order to gain deeper meaning of the text and to inspire others to read the same book. I look forward to seeing everyone at interviews! Thanks for making adjustments to your schedules to meet with me!

Grade 3 & 4 News

The 3/4s have been busy these last few weeks! We enjoyed our week of skating. Thanks to all those who came to tie skates and contributed treats! Also a huge thanks to Gordon McGregor and Har- old Dyck for driving us to and from the rink on those cold days! In math the 3s are finishing up their unit on addition and subtraction. They will have a test after the break. Their next unit is fractions. In math  the 4s are finishing up measurement and are also mov- ing onto fractions. Both grades will be getting usernames and passwords for This is an excellent website to practice basic facts. By logging in, Mr. Woods-Fehr and I can monitor their progress. Both groups need to improve on knowing their basic facts. In Social Studies we are discussing the differences between rural and urban communities. We have be- come pen pals with a class from Fairhaven School in Saskatoon. The Hanley students are describing life in a small farming town, while learning about life in the city from the perspective of someone their age. In Science we are in the midst of learning about forces that repel and attract. We will be discussing electricity and gravity over the next few weeks.

Grade 3 & 4 News

The 3/4 class is working hard in the new year! In Reader’s Workshop we are focusing on building stamina when reading longer and more difficult books. Our spelling test lists are being based on words the students ask how to spell during class. In math the grade 3s are doing an addition and subtraction unit, while the 4s are learning about measurement and telling time. The Sochi Olympics are just around the corner, so in Social Studies and Health we have been learning about past Canadian athletes and their sports. The students worked in groups to create obstacle courses in gym and they reflected on who gives them courage by creating a courage quilt. In Science we are studying forces that repel and attract and in gym we are learning basketball skills. I hope everyone has a wonderful 2014! It’s great to be back with this group!
Mrs. Koroll

Grade 3 & 4 News

Another month has passed us by and we are getting closer to Christmas. This past month, the class enjoyed a fun Halloween party put on for us by a few Grade 12 Home Ec. students. Thank you, Chris, Ryan and Jesse! Everyone looked great in their costumes! Report cards have been sent out and congratulations to students on their hard work so far! We are getting into the Christmas season and practices for our Christmas concert will be starting this week so there are plenty of things to keep us busy.

Here are some of the things we have been doing this past month in our subject areas. In ELA, we are soon wrapping up our Friendship unit. We also took a break from our unit to write some creative stories. The students did a great job of coming up with ideas for each of their stories and as well as creating an illustrated picture book version of it! They are all excited to bring them home after they have been shared with our class. In Math, the grade 3’s continue to look at numbers between 1 and 1000 and the grade 4’s just finished a unit test on numbers. Both groups are doing some work on the computers with IXL math. If you can get a chance to help your child work on some extra skills at home that would be great! Our Science unit on Structures and Materials is soon wrapping up and we will be having a test at the end of this week or early next week. Our Social class continues to research and learn all about Saskatchewan. In Arts Ed., the students just finished a Pointillism project and they are very excited to bring them home, along with some other art projects that will also be coming home soon!

I sent out a parent email last week in regards to our new behaviour reporting system we are using for our class. I would like to thank everyone for all the positive responses and support given. Please continue to make an effort to review the report with your child each night and send it back signed so that we can continue to communicate with each other. Again, never hesitate to contact me anytime! Thanks,

Janet Adelman Grade 3/4 Teacher


Grade 3 & 4 News

Hello Again!

Has one month flown by already?? I hope you all enjoyed a relaxing Thanksgiving and got to indulge in a little turkey or at the very least some tasty pie!

This month has been full of a variety of things including multiple PD Days, many sick days (had by almost everyone!) and even laser eye surgery for myself! But let me get you up to date on what has been happening in some of our subject areas. In ELA, we are continuing work on a unit called “My Friends and I”. In Math, both Grade 3 and 4 classes are taking a deeper look into place values and number sense. In Science, we are still investigating what makes a structure and have even taken a stab at building some structures of our own! In Social Studies, we have moved on from looking at our world to now learning all about Saskatchewan. Tin Arts Ed., this class loves to express their creative energy through drawing, colouring and other fun Arts Ed. projects we have completed.

We continue to enjoy coming to class each day and now that most of us are over our beginning-of-the-year colds, we can spread our excitement for learning without spreading our germs!

Stay tuned for information coming home this week on a Grade 3/4 Halloween party that will be planned by a few of our high school students. A slight cost to cover meal expenses will likely be charged but I will send home the information as soon as it comes my way.

I hope you take some time to enjoy the last bit of fall weather before the snow comes!
Miss Adelman