Grade 4 & 5 News

Here it is…. Well, another school year has come and gone! We had a fantastic year together in our class. With our year end trip to Batoche and a few other year end parties we are able to celebrate the successes we had together this school year. I could not be more proud of a group of students and what they accomplished in 10 months. Continue to be thinkers, and never stop asking questions! I look forward to seeing you continue your successes at Hanley School. Have a great summer!!

Grade 4 & 5 News

Time has really flown by! With May underway and June coming quickly, I would just like to remind you of some important upcoming dates! May 16th is our first swimming lessons date so please ensure your student has brought their swimming gear! May 30th is our Elementary Track and Field Day! June 12th is our trip to Batoche, June 13th is our practice run for the Try-all-a-thon at Blackstrap and the Try-all-a-thon is on June 15th!

We have been busy as usual in our classroom! We are doing a Drama unit, and have just begun practicing scripts for some skits we will be performing. We will let you know when we will be ready for show off our drama skills! We have also been working on some novel studies and doing literature circles for the first time. We have also begun a new adventure with a program called ‘River city’. (Be sure to ask your child about this, it is pretty exciting stuff!) As always, please call or email if you have any questions or concerns!

Ms. Rancourt

Grade 4 & 5 News

We are coming to an end of our novel, Holes, and it seems to get more and more exciting as we go! Soon we will be moving on to some group novel studies. We are still working on our Science Unit and doing plenty of fun experiments to go along with it. Social Studies has brought us to the topics of the Treaties and The Fur Trade.

Hopefully the summer weather is on its way…..till next time!

Grade 4 & 5 News

This weather has really convinced us that Spring is on the way! We have accomplished a lot in the last month and are keeping our momentum. We just finished up with our Novel Study Bridge to Terabithia. We had the chance to build a Bridge to help out the main character Jess get to Terabithia and had a great time using our imagination and building skills! Come check out the bridges if you get a chance!

We are learning about the History of Canada in Social Studies and are now learning about the time of the Fur Trade and Treaties. This next month is going to be an interesting adventure in all subjects. The Changing Properties of Objects in Science, The Fur Trade, The Treaties, Drama and a new novel study, Holes. We have also become little horticulturists recently; you will see results in the near future! Looking forward to seeing new and familiar faces at Parent-Teacher Interviews on the 21st and 22nd, please call the office to book an interview!

Grade 4 & 5 News

Wow, months seem to be flying by! We have kept busy in our classroom since Christmas. Our Titanic projects turned out to be a really amazing learning experience! I think I learned more than the students during this mini unit! What a blast it was!  We have started a new novel study recently and are reading Bridge to Terabithia.  It is a very adventurous and imaginative story that I think many of our classmates will enjoy!  We are learning about Canada in Social Studies, everything from geography to Canadian stereotypes! We have an extremely curious group of kids in our class which makes our learning explore into the unknown and is taking us to places we never thought we would end up!  I like to think of us as the non-magical version of The Magic School Bus.

Please feel free to stop in any time!

Ms. Rancourt

Grade 4 & 5 News

Well it has proven to be difficult to get back to the grind after the Christmas Holidays! We are finally back on track and keeping very busy! The class decided they wanted to learn about the Titanic for a few weeks before starting our Canadian Provinces and Territories Unit. This Titanic mini unit has really caught the interest of the entire class, and we have been learning tons of interesting information! On April 15, 2012, it will be the 100th anniversary since the sinking of the Titanic so the students are taking a special inter- est in the history. We are kept busy with a visit from the Science Center on the 17th and an upcoming Grade 5 class trip (information will be sent out at a later date)! Looks like the cold winter weather is right around the corner…

Ms. Angela Rancourt

Grade 4 & 5 News

The months have seemed to fly by in the Grade 4/5 classroom! We have finished up our Science unit on Light and made some interesting discoveries with some fun experiments in this unit! Our Autobiographies are wrapped up and now some are creating videos to correspond with our essays, it has been a lot of fun learning about everyone in our classroom! Thank you to Mrs. Kinzel for the Social Studies unit she just wrapped up, we had fun learning about explorers and the First Nations people of Canada. Christmas Concert took a lot of practicing but it all paid off to see the performance on Wednesday night. Great work! I am so proud of everyone’s ef- forts! Have a great holiday and we will see you in the New Year!

Grade 4 & 5 News

October sure went by in a hurry! November seems to be flying by just as fast! We have wrapped up our Remembrance Day Posters and Poems and produced some strong contend- ers for the Legion contests this year! We are moving right along into starting practices for the Christmas Concert!! We seem to be enjoying the songs for the concert and can’t wait to show off our singing and acting skills next month! Just a reminder to Parents and Guardians that the items for the baskets we will be selling tickets on should be brought to school by Friday, December 9th.

Thank you to all the parents/ guardians that came out for Tri-Conferences, it was nice to meet everyone! Keep in touch and let me know if you ever have any questions or concerns!

Ms. Rancourt

Grade 4 & 5 News

Wow! October already!? We have had a lot of fun since we started the year, making sure to do some learning along the way. After a few weeks of learning to write strong para- graphs, we are just days away from starting our autobiog- raphies in ELA. Science has taken us in the direction of Light, how it is produced, absorbed and travels. Mrs. Kinzel has been teaching our Social Studies class and we are learning about First Nations and Metis history in Canada and Saskatchewan. In Grade 4, we have finished our first Math Makes Sense Unit- Patterns and Equations and are moving on to Unit 2- Whole Numbers. We have done some amazing optical illusion art and are not moving on to fall and Halloween themed art projects.

Our class bubble gum machine is almost full!! It seems as though the students have been ‘Chewsing’ good books to read! When the machine is completely full, the class is in for a surprise!

Ms. Angela Rancourt