The Grade 4/5’s have started a very exciting journey into our very first Writer’s Workshop! We are excited about this process and look forward to sharing some of our published work with you in the near future! We had the opportunity to meet Canadian Author, Eric Wilson, on January 10th in Dundurn and this sparked even more interest in the writing process. We continue to learn about the Human Body in Science and our own province of Saskatchewan in Social Studies. Math is keeping us busy as usual with learning to tell time and division! Report cards are right around the corner (early March) so let’s be sure to continue working on the goals we set back in the fall!
Category Archives: Classes
Grade 2 & 3 News
We’re off to a great start to 2013 in the Grade 2/3 room! Everyone came back full of energy and new ideas. We’ve started working on our student blogs we are really enjoying writing posts, as well as reading and commenting on each other’s blogs. This month in ELA we will do a novel study on Farley Mowat’s Owls in the Family, which takes place in and around Saskatoon and Dundurn. In Math, the Grade 2s are learning about measurement while the Grade 3s just wrapped up their unit on adding and subtracting three-digit numbers. Both grades are continuing to learn about pioneers in Social Studies, water in Science and the human body in Health. We’ve been working on some neat art projects, too, which you can see on our class blog!
Kindergarten & Grade 1 News
January has been a great month in the K/1 room! We have been busy working on numbers. We even went on a number hunt around the school! The Ks were very excited when we got to the high school lockers–SO MANY NUMBERS!!
As promised, we’d like to tell you about our WDM field trip: We had such a good time there. As the 2/3s participated in a Christmas program we got to tour around the museum. We especially liked the trains. We could’ve spent hours at that display! After the WDM we got to stop at McDonald’s for lunch. It was so delicious! What a great day!
We are still busy with Readers’ Workshop and the Grade 1s have been working on their ‘writing stamina’ in Writers’ Workshop. Did you know that we can already write for 15 minutes straight!?
The Grade 1s decided that they’d like to learn about sharks this month. They are excited to teach the Ks everything that they’ve been discovering!
Final Exam Schedule
Monday, January 28, 2012 @ 9AM
- ELA A30/SS 30
- Found 20
- Math 21
- Science 10
Tuesday, January 29, 2012 @ 9AM
- Chemistry 30
- ELA 20/History 20
- WkPl 10
Wednesday, January 30, 2012 @ 9AM
- WkPl & A30
- Biology 20 b
- Science 21
- ELA A10
Thursday, January 31, 2012 @ 9AM
- PreCalc 30
- Physics 20
- Life Trans 30
- Interior Design 30
General Information:
- Students may have 2 ½ hours to write each exam.
- Return all textbooks/school materials on the day of the examination.
- Students must write for a minimum of one hour.
- There are assigned study hall rooms for grades 10 to 12.
- Students need to clean out their lockers and return all library books.
- The first day of classes for the second semester will be Monday, February 4, 2013.
Kindergarten & Grade 1 News
This has been a wonderful month in the K/1 room! De- cember has brought with it a new friend to our room. Ask us about ‘Sparkles’, our Elf on a Shelf. She visits us each day and then flies to the North Pole at night to tell Santa how we were. She sure is cute but she doesn’t talk at all. She is a very good listener though! Also, we have been doing a 12 Days of Books countdown to Christmas Holidays. Each day we unwrap a new book and then Miss Martineau reads it aloud to us. We really like this part of the day! We are still busy with Readers’ Workshop and the Grade 1s have also started Writers’ Workshop. We’re having a lot of fun with both of these. We went to the WDM on Tuesday for our Christmas field trip with the Grade 2/3s. We will tell you all about it in our next newsletter!
Happy Holidays from the K/1s!
Denille Martineau
Teacher Kindergarten/Grade 1
Grade 2 & 3 News
Grade 2/3 room is very busy this month! We’ve been working through our Reader’s and Writer’s Workshops in ELA. By the end of December, we’ll have learned lots of skills to make the most of our reading and writing time. The Grade 2s are also wrapping up their Unit on Adding and Subtracting numbers up to 18, while the 3s are adding 2 digit numbers. It’s not all work and no play. With the Christmas Family Fun Festival and our Western Development Museum 1910 Christmas field trip, we’re taking time to enjoy the holiday season. We hope you are, too!
Miss Stefanson and the Grade 2/3s
Grade 4 & 5 News
It has once again been a busy month in the 4/5 classroom. We just finished up our novel study – How to Eat Fried Worms and created some fantastic responses and dioramas to wrap it up! We had the chance to create some beautiful art over the last few weeks and would like to thank anyone who purchased our pieces at the Christmas Family Fun Festival! We are all looking forward to the break and will be excited to come back and share some of our stories in January!
Angela Rancourt
Teacher Grade 4/5 Hanley School
Grade 6 News
As we head off for winter holidays, the grade six class has wrapped up a few units and will be starting new ones. In Math we are working on a Geometry unit. We will be studying about Dynamic Relationships in Social Studies and in Science we will be learning about Flight. We continue to look and study the many arts and have been focusing on Careers. In ELA we will be starting a new unit right after the break. We are planning on a field trip with the Dundurn grade 6’s sometime in January or February. I will keep you posted as plans progress.
Have a great holiday!
Ms. Bishop Moisan and the Grade 6 class
Grade 7 News
The Grade 7’s are continuing to stay busy during this Holiday Season! In ELA, the girls are wrapping up their Science Fiction Unit and are currently working on a final project for the novel Dust and in Math, they are continuing to work with fractions and decimals and will be having a quiz ear- ly this week. In Science, the class is reviewing their Active Earth Unit and will be having a quiz on Wednesday and Thursday this week. In Careers, the class has wrapped up their Resumes and are ready to do some job hunting! In Phys. Ed. the class is finished up a unit on basketball and will soon be starting floor hockey. The Grade 7’s are getting very excited for their field trip of bowling and swimming fun in Saskatoon on Wednesday this week! They are also excited for the Christmas Dinner on Friday and for the Christmas break!
-The Grade 7 Class
Grade 8 News
In Social Studies the Grade 8’s are starting on a new Unit about Canadian Identity and World Views, particularly “How Land Forms Our Identity”. In Physical Education the Grade 8’s have started a unit on Floor Hockey and finished their Basketball unit. Fitness test- ing begins again right away in January when the Grade 8’s return, so not too many ‘Christmas Goodies’ without a lot of fresh air and exercise. In Industrial Arts the Grade 8’s are working hard to complete their wood projects which are mostly mirrors, frames, shelves and stools. In Art they are just finishing movie Scroll Boxes. In Home Ec. the Grade 8’s are completing the sewing on their Pajama Pants. In Math the Grade 8’s are wrapping up a Fractions Unit with a test the last week before the Christmas break. Meanwhile, in ELA the Grade 8’s are finishing novel projects. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!