Grade 7 News

Grade 7 continues to be a busy year! We are finishing up our literature circles in English, while in math we have finished our unit on measurement. We will soon be exploring exponents in math. Science has us wrapping up our solutions and mixtures unit, and in social we will begin our exploration of Saskatchewan and Canada’s First Nations.

We will be having a Float Sale next week to help in raising funds for our year end trip to Blue Mountain. The Kids Carnival/Sock Hop we had originally scheduled for April 20th, will be postponed until May 18th.

Report cards recently went out. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s progress, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Grade 6 News

Hello from the Grade 6 classroom! Here is a brief look at the happenings in our class! We are pleased to welcome our new student Megan, transferring from Martensville. In Health we are starting to  look at body image and what a healthy body looks like. In Science we are almost finished with science and ready to move on to the study of electricity. In ELA we have done creative writing featuring zombies as well as some practice public speaking.

Grade 4 & 5 News

We are coming to an end of our novel, Holes, and it seems to get more and more exciting as we go! Soon we will be moving on to some group novel studies. We are still working on our Science Unit and doing plenty of fun experiments to go along with it. Social Studies has brought us to the topics of the Treaties and The Fur Trade.

Hopefully the summer weather is on its way…..till next time!

Grade 2 & 3 News

Hello from Grade 2/3! In sci- ence, the grade 2/3 students will be finishing up their liq- uids, solids, and gases unit with a “design a lifeboat” activity, then we will be moving on to learn about structures and materials. In Math, the grade two’s have been working hard on addition and subtraction to 100, and will soon be starting a geometry unit. In Arts Education the students just started, and are very excited about, their “Fun with Composers” unit in music. In this unit they will be exploring classical music from compos- ers such as: Mozart, Strauss, Grieg, and more! In Social Studies the students will be starting a new unit on Canadian Communities.

Kindergarten & Grade 1 News

We’ve had an exciting month! The K/1 class took a trip to the Bohrson farm. The class got to milk a cow and feed a baby calf. We also made homemade ice cream! Thanks to the Bohrson family for hosting!

We have been creating a lot of art: stamp art, still-life, Easter crafts, and finger painting! Our classroom is looking beautiful!

The Grade 1s are just begin- ning their research projects on any place in the world. I am very excited to see the final results!

The Ks have been working on asking interesting questions and then figuring out how to find answers. Some questions we’ve discussed include, “How are markers made?”, “How do they make the sky?”, and “How are turtles made?” These questions have definitely lead to some interesting discussions!

In math the Ks have been working on quickly recognizing how many dots are on a card with numbers from 1 to 8. We are also starting to work with 5 and 10-frames to build numbers. The Grade 1s are finishing their unit on addition and subtraction to 18 and will be doing a unit on measurement next.

It was great to see the families at interviews!

Grade 12 News

The Grade 12 class has been busy planning for their grad this year with the help of Ms. Prakash. Many are also getting excited and prepared for the upcoming Culture Club trip, which seems to be approaching very fast.  In Physics, we are preparing for our first test, and we are all SO EXCITED…In Biology, we are making created diagrams of animal and plant cells. In ELA, we are presenting our Slam Poems and Advertisements society’s perception of beauty. So far, all of them have been very well done. The other ELA class has been watching a documentary called I Am, which is very eye opening.

Grade 11 News

In Math, we are calculating statistics. In History, we are learning about the First World War. In PAA, we are just finishing researching and eating international foods. In IA, we are making our sawhorses. In Art, we are recreating movie scenes. In Chemistry, we just started a unit on Molecules and Compounds and our first assignment is performing a series of demonstrations/experiments for the K/1 class.

Grade 10 News

The grade 10’s are well into semester two and are working very hard. They’ve just finished Of Mice And Men in ELA. Factoring has been the focus in Foundations 10. Wellness has the kids lifting weights and batting an almost weightless birdie around in badminton. In Wildlife Management, they just finished watching March of the Penguins and have also been studying hunting and trapping. If Mr. A plans a trip to Antarctica anytime soon, at least we know the kids won’t starve. Science has had a similar focus as they study the populations of humans and other animals on the planet. In History, they just finished watching Wag the Dog. Food Safety is still the topic du jour in Commercial Cooking (so hopefully we won’t have any bad reactions to the soup du jour). And finally, in IA, the kids have been making house plans a digital reality as they learn Computer Assisted Drafting. Have a great month!

Grade 9

Communism, George Orwell’s Animal Farm, welding, exploring Nationalism, wind turbines, alternative energy resources, grain studies, badminton, candid discussions on health issues and relationships, solving literal equations, re-writing National anthems…What are we describing here?? Some kind of fantasy camp for Superheroes?? Nay, it’s simply a day in the life of the grade nines here at Hanley Composite School. We can hardly believe how fast this year is flying by.  Next week brings the end of winter and the beginning of a long awaited spring. Despite the fact that the piles of snow are quickly disappearing, homework continues to pile up around us, but we are still managing to love every minute of this very “critical year in our adolescent development.” (We learned that in Health class).

Grade 8 News

In Social Studies we are finishing our examination of First Nations history, pre-contact, post-contact (fur trade), and modern-day issues. In Physical Education we are finishing Badminton and a few classes at the Curling Rink. We start Fitness testing very soon! In Health we are looking at Emotions and how we can learn to control them, and not let them control us. In Career Guidance we are studying Multiple Intelligences and how we can understand them to help us in selecting career paths. In Art we are doing studies on Impressionism now. In Industrial Arts, we are drafting BIG Isometric drawings, and looking forward to studying the new power tools we get to use this year in the shop. Finally, in Home Ec., we are working on our Flour Mixtures Unit. In Math we have just finished having an exam. While in English we working on the novel “The Giver”.