Kindergarten News

September 13 was the first day of Kindergarten. It was a GREAT day! We read stories, played in the gym, visited the library, played outside, AND went on a Pete the Cat scavenger hunt around the school. I can already tell that we are going to have a very fun year together!

A few important things:

  • Picture Day is on Friday, September 20. We switched the K day from the 19th to the 20th for this reason. Kindergarten is usually the first class to go, so we should still be looking good by then (I’m not speaking for myself!).
  • There is a pizza sale every Friday at Hanley School. It is $3/slice. If K falls on a Friday, I will send an order form home earlier in the week.
  • September Kindergarten dates: 13, 17, 20 (Picture Day), 23, 26 (Terry Fox Day), 30
  • October Kindergarten dates: 2, 4, 8, 10, 16, 18, 22, 24, 28, 30, 31 (Halloween)

Our class motto is: Be Nice! So, if you start hearing this frequently in your homes, you’ll know why!

Enjoy the rest of your September! I know we will!

-The Kindergartens & Mrs. Martineau


Kindergarten & Grade 1 News

Happy ‘Last Week of Classes’ to everyone!

We are keeping very busy as our school year comes to an end. We have been growing beans in ziploc bags with just paper towels as the “soil”. We have also been enjoying watching our sunflowers grow. Some are getting really tall!

The 1s are finishing up their wacky fairy tales in ELA and are almost done their addition and subtraction unit in Math.

The Ks have been working hard with their Grade 1 buddies to create Alphabet books. It has been fun watching them come up with words and having ‘lightbulb’ moments! We are about to do a quick study of Canadian coins before the end of the year. Be sure to quiz us on them over the summer!

We are going swimming at CC Pool on Monday, June 24 at 11AM. The swim will be followed by a BBQ. More details will be sent home soon!

Wishing you all a VERY happy and safe summer!

Kindergarten & Grade 1 News

The snowhill is gone! The snowhill is gone!

We are continuing to have a very busy K/1 classroom. We have been trying to go outside as much as possible to take in the sunshine and to learn about our surroundings.

We spent a class cleaning up our schoolyard with the Grade 6s. We had a great time making our school look beautiful. There was a LOT of garbage that had collected over the winter.

We have been learning about weather/climate in Science. Did you know that the big, poofy clouds are called Cumulus clouds? We even got to make our own clouds out of shaving cream and glue. But don’t worry, we know that’s not how real clouds feel!

The Ks are currently learning about measurement in Math. We are paying particular attention to using proper words to describe things: bigger, shorter, taller, wider, heavier, lighter, etc.

The 1s have been working on a Geometry unit. We have been learning how to describe shapes and what makes them similar or different. We have been playing Shapes Bingo and even went on a shape scavenger hunt!

Together, the K/1s have been learning about First Nations, Metis, and Inuit cultures. We’ve learned how important the shape of a ‘circle’ is to First Nations people. Ask us about it to find out!

We are going to the Children’s Festival on June 4 with Grade K-5. We are going to see an acrobatic show, as well as meet the author of the “Pete the Cat” series! We are very excited.

We hope that you all continue to have a wonderful Spring!

Kindergarten & Grade 1 News

Happy Spring (?) to Everyone! We have been very busy in the K/1 classroom for the past month!

Here Are Just a Few Things We’ve Been Up To

  • We are having lots of fun with our lentil activity table–it sure makes a big mess though!
  • We did a gummy bear experiment with our Grade 6 buddies. Did you know that when you put a gummy bear into water it gets almost twice as big?
  • We are practicing lots of locomotor skills in Phys. Ed which means we jump, hop, roll, skip, slither, etc. as we move around the gym!
  • The 1s just finished their “Anywhere in the World” projects. We each picked a place in the world we’d like to go and researched some information about it. We picked: Regina, Calgary, Edmonton, Hawaii, and San Francisco. We learned lots of cool things about these places!
  • We have been learning about the weather (and how crazy it can be!) and the seasons in our new Science unit.
  • We have been enjoying learning about First Nation Culture in our special circle time each morning.

We sure hope that this weather smartens up soon so that we can shed our snow-suits! 

Kindergarten & Grade 1 News

February has already been an awesome month in the K/1 room! Here are a few things that we’ve been busy with: Readers’ Workshop, counting by 1s, 2s, 5s, and 10s, and working on being good friends. We are looking forward to going skating with the Grade 6s. We are very lucky to have such great role models in our school! The Grade 1s are still busy with Writer’s Workshop. Our writing stamina is up to 23 minutes! We are loving Science because we each picked an animal to learn about. We are learning about: seals, sea lions, snakes, alligators, and cats! We look in books and on the computer to learn about

their habitat, what they eat, and where they find their water.

We are excited for the rest of February and for the beginning of March! We wish everyone a Happy February break!

The K/1s & Miss Martineau

Kindergarten & Grade 1 News

January has been a great month in the K/1 room! We have been busy working on numbers. We even went on a number hunt around the school! The Ks were very excited when we got to the high school lockers–SO MANY NUMBERS!!

As promised, we’d like to tell you about our WDM field trip: We had such a good time there. As the 2/3s participated in a Christmas program we got to tour around the museum. We especially liked the trains. We could’ve spent hours at that display! After the WDM we got to stop at McDonald’s for lunch. It was so delicious! What a great day!

We are still busy with Readers’ Workshop and the Grade 1s have been working on their ‘writing stamina’ in Writers’ Workshop. Did you know that we can already write for 15 minutes straight!?

The Grade 1s decided that they’d like to learn about sharks this month. They are excited to teach the Ks everything that they’ve been discovering!

Kindergarten & Grade 1 News

This has been a wonderful month in the K/1 room! De- cember has brought with it a new friend to our room. Ask us about ‘Sparkles’, our Elf on a Shelf. She visits us each day and then flies to the North Pole at night to tell Santa how we were. She sure is cute but she doesn’t talk at all. She is a very good listener though! Also, we have been doing a 12 Days of Books countdown to Christmas Holidays. Each day we unwrap a new book and then Miss Martineau reads it aloud to us. We really like this part of the day! We are still busy with Readers’ Workshop and the Grade 1s have also started Writers’ Workshop. We’re having a lot of fun with both of these. We went to the WDM on Tuesday for our Christmas field trip with the Grade 2/3s. We will tell you all about it in our next newsletter!

Happy Holidays from the K/1s!

Denille Martineau
Teacher Kindergarten/Grade 1

Kindergarten & Grade 1

November has been a fun month in the K/1 room! The Ks have been exploring patterns in math and the Grade 1s continue to work with numbers to 20. Both grades have been doing lots of creative writing! The Grade 1s are working on writing one to three sentences in their journals and the Ks are drawing pictures that tell a story by including lots of detail. The Grade 1s made homemade paper in art and the group will do some winter art in the next two weeks. My last day is November 29th. I have enjoyed so much getting to know the Ks and working again with the Grade 1s! I am going to miss the kids a lot! Thanks to the families for all of your support this year!

Kindergarten & Grade 1

The K/1 class has had an exciting month! Our medieval feast was awesome! Thank you to everyone for providing food. The students looked great all decked out as princesses and knights! The Grade 1s are writing stories based on pictures we take on nature walks. They try to listen to the sounds the letters make when writing words and are beginning to form proper sentences. The Kindergartens have been doing a variety of fine motor activities to begin the year. We have been practicing cutting with proper technique (no chicken arms, little cuts, and cutting away from ourselves). This month the Art Centre opens up during play time. We have had a giant cardboard castle in there that we have had many fun days with. I am excited to see what other creations the kids will come up with! In math the Grade 1s are focusing on representing numbers to 20 and the Ks are learning about sorting and patterns. I enjoyed seeing the families come out the tri-conferences! If these dates didn’t work for you, please contact me to set up an alternate time.

Kindergarten & Grade 1 News

We’ve had an AWESOME start to the year in the K/1 room! I am so impressed with these kids and how quickly they are picking up on class- room procedures and getting along as a group! We are starting to get into things a bit. The Grade 1s have start- ed their patterning unit in math and practicing sentence writing in Daily Language. The Ks are taking part in some math pre-testing individually with me and soon we will begin our patterning unit. During play the students built a giant castle out of cardboard, drawbridge and all! They are having a blast parading in and out of it as princesses, queens, palace guard dogs, and knights! In Grade 1 Social Studies we are learning about different kinds of families and in Virtues we are discussing the power of our words and how they can make people feel good or bad. The Kindergartens have started Animated Literacy with Mrs. McGregor. Information about this will be sent home in the next week. Watch out for a note about our Medieval Feast which will be happening in early October. It was great to see all of the families at the pancake breakfast!