Grade 8

In Math 8 we are refreshing concepts with fractions, decimals and percentages. We need to master these skills in order to move on to our study of rates, ratios and propor-tions. In ELA the students are wrapping up its exploration of “Social Justice”. We will soon be discussing the elements of a “Perfect Society”. The Science class is finishing wrapping up “Cells, Organs, and Tissues.” In IA 8 the class is beginning their wood projects, such as mirrors. The Health class is playing The Real Game Online where we explore the world of work with an imaginary job, deductions and living expenses. All the while, paying for our chosen lifestyle but staying within our budget. In Art class we are working on perspective drawing, while in Home Ec. we are finishing up a rice bag project and are getting excited to start our PJ pants!!

Grade 9

November has been a busy month for the Grade 9’s! In math, they have been working with rational numbers. In English, the students have been learning about Norse and Indigenous Myths. They have starting creating bands in Art and have come up with some creative names. In Phys. Ed, they have recently started working on their basketball skills. They have been working their way through a real life simulation in Career Ed. They have continued to be busy in Home Ec. and I.A. as well. Finally, in Science, they have been working with Atoms and Elements.

Grade 10

Well, the grade 10’s are pushing hard with only a month left until Christmas. In math, they’ve finally finished their work converting between metric and imperial and have moved on to angles and lines. In English they’ve started reading Jurassic Park and in Wildlife Management they’ve been watching Survivorman (I wonder how he would have done in Jurassic Park?). They’ve been working on Food Safety in Commercial Cooking and are continuing to work on their projects in IA. In Wellness, they’ve started Basketball. They’re just finishing up their Canadian Sovereignty projects in Social, and in Science they’ve been working on Chemistry.

Grade 11

It is hard to believe we are mid-way into November. We hosted a very successful Remembrance Day Service in the Gym, which ended in some excitement. Along with that, we are finishing our WWI research projects in our ELA/History 20 class. In Foundations 20, we are working on statistics and probability. In Health Science 20, we have been studying the body systems. Thank-you to Charlotte Greenall, who came into our class and did a presentation on the horrible reality of street drugs and how they affect our body. In Physical Science 20, we have just finished our Refraction Exam and have started our chemistry unit. Basketball, dance and working out in the weight room is on the agenda for Phys. Ed 20.

Grade 12

Course work has been keep-ing the grade 12s busy in No-vember. As we are half way through semester one, the students are immersed in learning across all subject are-as. The students have been working exceptionally hard in their PAA courses. Mr. Tyndall has the cabinet makers work-ing overtime to complete their projects on time. Miss Smith and the home economics stu-
dents have begun the sew-ing section of the course and will be making hooded sweaters; just in time for winter. In ELA, the stu-dents began reading the non-fiction novel, The Se-cret Lives of Sgt. John Wilson: A True Story of Love and Murder. When the students have completed the book, they will be writing in-depth literary analysis es-
says. In social studies, the students have just finished learning about the Canadi-an Government and Con-federation. In biology, the students have completed their study of cell struc-tures and have moved on to genetics. Mr. Herman and the pre-calculus stu-dents are learning about trig identities.

Awards Program

We want to invite you to the Awards Program held this year at 2pm in the School Gym. We’ll recognize the students who excelled last year and made our school proud.  We hope to see you there.

From the Office

Welcome back to every-one again for the start of another great year. We have some new looks in the school as far as the building goes, the staff goes, and the students as well!!!
The school received a lot of attention this summer as much of the renovations and construction work that was planned was completed this summer, including the last few days before students came back and as well the last couple weeks as some furnaces are being hooked up and some areas that needed to be buttoned up at the end of the job. ConTech has done a really nice job of the school and we continue to be thankful of such a good crew of guys to work with, headed up by Kevin Sawyer.

We want to officially welcome a few new staff members who are on staff this year at our school. Welcome back to Mr. Brandon Hutchinson who has returned this year to teach ELA and Social Studies to the senior students. Welcome to Mr. Carter Block who is the Grade 9 homeroom teacher. Welcome to Miss Jeslyn Smith, our new Home Ec teacher. Welcome to Miss Mary Kolach who is our new Special Education Resource Teacher for the school, and welcome again to Miss Janine Buchinski our Kindergarten teacher. We’re so fortunate to include these new teachers on what is already a wonderful staff at Hanley. Welcome new staff as well as welcome back to the returning staff.

We are also happy to be able to let you know about an increase of 15 students to what we had projected for September. That’s going to bring our total number to 232 for the fall. It’s a nice healthy number for our school. Welcome to all the new students and their families. We’ll hope to see you all at the Meet the Staff and Tri-Conferences evenings we hold in October.

Our extra-curricular programs have all hit the ground running this fall as well, as per normal. The SRC representatives are heading to the Student Leadership Conference this week with Miss Smith. The Senior Girls just won their tournament in Colonsay this past weekend. The Junior Girls played some spirited volleyball in Loreburn this past weekend, and the Football team handily took care of Viscount on Friday.

I’m always looking forward to the approach of fall to get back into the halls with staff, students and parents. This year is not different. Mr Anderson and I will always tell you that the best way to help your students succeed is to encourage them to get involved in our school wherever and whenever they can, and we’ll work through the road bumps of learning and social interactions together. That’s all for now. As always, Mr. Anderson and I would love to talk to you if you have time to drop by the office or give us a call. Take care and I’ll talk to you soon.

Chris Tucker

Seeking Sponsors for the 2015 Hanley Dundurn Tri-All-A-Thon

Dundurn School is pleased to announce our Sixth Annual Triathlon on Friday, June 19th, 2015.  We are ecstatic about continuing our efforts towards supporting our students as they embark on a lifelong sport and more importantly, active lifestyle choices. We continue to support our students as they participate in a sport that encourages active lifestyle choices.

It is through the help of our sponsors that we are able to give our students opportunities outside the classroom to learn in a motivating and inspiring manner. We offer swimming lessons, run clubs, bike safety and triathlon clinics, in the months leading up to race day.

Your donations make it possible to offer the Try-All-Athon race free for each student.  Each participant enjoys a nutritious snack and lunch, a triathlon T-shirt, prizes, transportation out to the event, qualified lifeguard supervision for safety, and priceless moments to remember forever. Approximately $4000 is needed to cover the cost of the day.

We are currently in the process of attaining sponsorship.  We would very much appreciate your donation for this exciting event.  We are requesting donations of cash.  In return, your company will receive recognition through advertising benefits as described on the back page. Your contribution will support our students and community as we strive to keep active and celebrate our ability to achieve our personal bests.

Hanley School students have participated in this triathlon with Dundurn since the very beginning.  If you are able to help sponsor the Hanley students, please make cheques payable to Hanley School, as well, please send cheques to Hanley School.  The contact information is: Sandra Bishop Moisan or Melissa Koroll, 316 Bodeman Ave., S0G 2E0.


The Triathlon Committee
Bridget Shannon-Wobeser
Dundurn School    492-2050

Contact Hanley School
Sandra Bishop Moisan or Melissa Koroll
Hanley School 306-544-2511

Sponsorship Categories:

  • Bronze Sponsorship (up to $250 in cash, materials or prizes):
    • Acknowledgement of sponsorship in our Sponsorship Letter
  • Silver sponsorship($250-$499 in cash, materials or prizes):
    • Same as above
    • 8X10” business poster displayed at event
  • Gold sponsorship($500 and over in cash, materials or prizes):
    • Same as above
    • Business logo displayed on Race T-shirt ( if donations received before May 20th)
    • Title Sponsorship($1000 and over in cash, materials or prizes):
    • Same as above
    • Business Name added to Event Name( if donations received before May 20th)

To ensure your Business info makes the t-shirt/poster/sponsor page, please have donations and info in by June 5th.  Email all business logos/info to

Download document for more information and sponsorship categories

From the Office

From all the reports I’ve heard thus far, many families and staff had a great break last week. As always, it’s nice to have an opportunity to spend time with family and friends and with some warm spring weather thrown in there, it sounds like it was well used. The playground and surrounding school yard is finally drying up a bit more, but some areas are still wet with mud and puddles – please continue to send the students to school with the appropriate footwear and jackets.

The School Community Council will meet next week and have been an important part of our plans to create reading corners in the school for students to read and work. We already created an area at the end of the elementary hallway and our future plans are to do something in the middle years hallway as well. I want to give thanks to the RBC in Hanley for offering to do some volunteer work for the school this month to help raise some funds for the reading corners – your time and your assistance is most welcomed.

I’d also like to recognize Blair’s Fertilizer Ltd as they provided some welcome support for the Pink Shirt Day at the start of the month. The school received a donation of shirts and some classroom activities took place recognizing how inclusion of all students and a positive environment help everyone.

Our Drama club performs their show, One Giant Leap, this week on Wednesday night and then again at Thursday night’s Dessert Theatre and as normal everyone is looking forward to it. The glimpses that I’ve caught of their practices prove again that the strong effort and hours of learning their lines and roles will pay off.

Our badminton season here at Hanley continues this week with junior playoffs Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. The senior playoffs will start next Wednesday with Hanley host- ing the first day and then playoffs continuing on April 25th. We had a large group of juniors this year and that makes for some bigger senior numbers in the future. I want to encourage more students to try to get involved as it was good to see the development this year. Great job everyone. Have your students keep their ears open for announcements about track practices starting soon now that the field is drying up.

I’m happy to say that we’ll see (and hear) some further construction in our school this spring, starting at the beginning of May. The work needed in the front lobby and main offices and lower hallway ceilings will begin, with work on the balcony surface to follow. This will interrupt some of our normalcy again for a while, but is an important job to get finished and we’re looking forward to it starting so we can see then end of the work one day soon, hopefully by September. As always, classes will continue and any disruptions to students and staff will be minimized. The crew from ConTech that did such a great job on the PAA rooms and lower classes will again be on site and they are a great group of guys to work with and very good around the students and staff.
That’s all for now. As always, Mr. Anderson and I would love to talk to you if you have time to drop by the office or give us a call. Take care and I’ll talk to you soon.

Mr. Tucker