Grade 12 News

So far the Grade Twelves have been working very hard this year. In Chemistry, we are fin- ishing up our Reaction Rates unit, while in English/Social Studies, we are continuing to read Three Day Road, by Joseph Boyden. In Pre-Calculus, we are currently working on Polynomic Division, and in Workplace Math we are playing Risk. In Home Ec we are making quilts, and lastly in IA we are making our personal projects.

On October 21st Hanley Composite School invites you to:

  • 5:00-7:00 pm Annual Meet the Staff BBQ Sponsored by the SCC
  • 4:00-7:00 pm Saskatoon Health Region Community Flu Clinic in the Gym
  • 5:00-7:30 pm Hanley Composite School Student/Parent/Teacher Tri-Conferences
  • 5:00-7:30 pm Book Fair in the Library

This also seem like a good time to remind you to subscribe to the school calendar for access to school events on your phone or computer. You can also view the calendar on our website if you don’t want to subscribe.

From The Office

When I look back at the past week I’m reminded about the phrases around being busy and the time flying by. School visits, field trips, track and field practic-es, a few meetings, and a burger taste test on Friday are some of the events that made up the week. Parents, you have some wonderful students at Hanley Composite School and many of us here are kept young by the fun interactions and smiles that working with them brings to us each day. We continue to be proud of their accomplishments, and their strides in growth and maturity each year.

We hosted the Prairie Spirit School Division annual board meeting on Wednesday night this week. The public attendance was low, but those in attendance were excited for the learning taking place here around our School Goals and shared our excitement around the big reno-vations taking place in the Home Ec and Industrial Arts rooms. I’d invite you to call and ask about what’s happening, or even stop in for a peek, if you don’t mind wearing a hard hat. The work is expanding to include some hallway and other room flooring, as well as changes to some classroom lighting. The latest development includes plans to complete the school painting project that began three years ago. Our renovations are going to include work to replace the lower level electric heating, and that was the only thing holding back the paint work.

I’ll take another minute and confirm for some of you that the renovations and work in the school will include some work on the balcony above the gym. We’ve been directed not to use the balcony for large public assemblies until their work this year is completed and so that area of the school will need to be closed during the Graduation ceremonies. We apologize for any disruption that will cause for the public or family plans to invite many people.

Plans for graduation continue to move forward as well as preparations for students’ lives after grade 12. If you have some questions about courses that we can help answer, or have some developments about future plans that you’d like to share, we’d always love to hear about what the students are planning on doing once their lives here move on.
Congratulations to our Drama club that did so great at Provincials. They received a number of awards and once again were lucky to see some great productions from other high school students from across the province. Way to go, Mrs. Griffin and the cast and crew!

Our Learning 4 Life School Goals around Literacy, Numeracy, and Student Engagement will be the centre of a report that Hanley School will deliver at the end of the month to the school board. I am once again proud of our progress. Our graduation rates (94% average over the last 7 years) continue to be higher than the school division’s which in turn are higher than the provincial average. For more information or details, please drop by or send me a note.

Last weekend was the last long weekend of the school year and the last partial week until the end of June. I’d like to encourage all the students to make all the effort needed to finish strong this year and if they have final exams, to give themselves lots of time to study.

Thanks again to everyone who was able to respond to my question last month to tell me what your home reading practices are. There were some very good ideas sent to me that I’ve compiled to share with you in this newsletter.

That’s all for now. As always, Mr. Anderson and I would love to talk to you if you have time to drop by the office or give us a call. Take care and I’ll talk to you soon.

Family Reading Responses – I asked last month what routines or common reading practices you have in your home – these were the reactions I was emailed:

  • Parents who try to show reading in front of their children – newsletters, newspapers, magazines, articles.
  • Narrated YouTube Stories.
  • Practices of older siblings reading to the younger.
  • Bedtime stories.
  • Practice of having to read a book before watching the movie it’s based on.
  • Reader’s digest stories.
  • Comic books and graphic novels

Chris Tucker
Hanley Composite School

Grade 12 News

The Grade Twelves are busy get-ting ready for graduation and getting out into the working world. In ELA, we just finished reading The Book of Negroes, and now we are working on speech writing. In Math Foundations, they’re learning how to graph equations while the girls complain about how much it sucks! In Calculus, we’re all loving the horrible realm of differentiation. In biology we’re learning about how our genes affect who we are, while in Physics we’re shocked by the amazing world of electricity. Finally in Art, we’re going crazy with Photography and our own independent projects!

Grade 11 News

It is a busy time of year as we continue to work hard and pre-pare for the end of our grade 11 year. In Chemistry, we are fin-ishing our chemical reactions unit. In Visual Arts, we are cre-ating a photography collage on a topic of our choice. In ELA and History, we are reading The Book Thief. In PAA, we are sewing our independent projects. In IA, we are building a small cottage and variety of sheds. In Work Placement, we are working on financial math and budgeting. In Pre-Calculus, we are simplifying radical expressions. Good luck to all the athletes going to the Track and Field Meet.

Grade 10 News

Halfway through May and it’s a glorious day!
The sun is shining and the grade 10’s are in a happy way.
They’re studying Racism and the Holocaust in ELA
and animals’ vulnerabilities with Mr.A.
Roots and Powers in math, what can I say?
In Wellness it’s about track, and to Griffith’s Stadium they’ll soon be away.
They’re drawing outside elevations in CAD in IA.
In Commercial cooking, it’s meals and Iron Chef Friday! And finally, in Social, they’re conducting interviews to decide which side of the political spectrum people are on, which, quite frankly, doesn’t rhyme with anything.

Take care, and have a great May!

Grade 9 News

May. It’s May. We can hardly believe how fast this year has gone. They say time flies when you’re learning and having fun. We believe. In ELA, we are finally reading Romeo and Juliet. It’s a classic. It’s got so many themes and life lessons. Friar Lawrence believes that inside each of us lies the potential to do great evil or great good. What we become is determined by the little choices we make every day.
With that in mind, in Social Studies, we’ve been looking at some of history’s most evil people and history’s heroes. Fascinating. Math class has us learning and drawing fractals. What is a fractal? Ask us. Ms. Prakash is showing us the excitement of electricity, static and otherwise. Pretty interesting. In Health/ Careers we’ve been looking at the new Young Workers Readiness Certificate Course. Any young person who wants a job in Saskatchewan, now has to pass the test and receive the certificate before they can start a job. As the students pass, their certificate will be printed off and they can take it home and add it to their portfolio. In art class we are creating personal flags for our camping trip.
Speaking of the camping trip, it is only weeks away. Needless to say, there is a buzz about the room as this event grows ever closer. Please keep bringing the forms and money in as quickly as you can. Thanks.

Grade 8 News

May is here and half way done. It looks like spring has finally sprung!!! The Grade 8’s are very busy working and planning as the year is coming to an end. This Friday the grade 8 class will be
participating in the boat races that are an annual event with this grade. They have been busy planning and designing different prototypes, to compete and win their
In English the 8.1 class (Mr. Graham) has just finished The Bread Winner, and will be going into independent novel study. The 8.2 class (Mrs. Bain), finished
watching and are now working on collages of Oliver Twist or The Count of Monte Cristo (student choice).
Math 8.2 (Ms. Wall), are going to be starting Measurement next week, and then Geometry.
8.1 (Mrs. Bain) is working on Geometry.
Social Studies in Mr.Graham’s class are looking at resources and interdependence.
Art with Mr. Graham is challenging the students with 3-D art, structure and design.
Home Ec.with Mrs. Burgess and IA with Mr. Tyndall continue to develop student skills in wood working and sewing (use of the machine
and construction). Pajama pants will be the goal in Home Ec. And a wood project in IA.
Health with the girls is 7 Habits, while Mrs. Bain is teaching through the use of the conflict between the Ukraine and Russia, tied in with Soviet Union in the 1930’s.

Grade 7 News

Wow! We finally had some sunny days and the kids loved it! We have been busy doing some fundraising for our year end trip. We have already had one cheeseburger sale and will have two more before the end of the year. Our field trip is scheduled for June 24! We will be heading out to Blue Mountain Adventure Park! Thanks go out to the parent volunteers who have come forward; it will be a great day!
Academically, the students have begun a poetry unit in ELA. In math, we have revisited the topic of equations and solving for variables. Social has us exploring the Canadian government system, and in science, the students are beginning to look at the topics of temperature and heat. I would encourage all students to continue to push them-selves to finish the year with strength! As always, please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Grade 5 & 6 News

The grade 5/6 class is very excited to go on a field trip on May 22. We are going to the Canadian Light Source, it should be very exciting. In ELA we are working on writing skills. In Social Studies we are currently learning about some early explorers. In Science we are just wrapping up an electricity unit and will be learning about weather next. We have been learning a lot about music by learning how to play Boomwhackers. In Math the grade 6’s are finishing up a unit about fractions, decimals, percent and ratios. The grade 6’s will also be going to Moose Jaw with the Dundurn grade 6’s on June 4th. There will be a newsletter sent home shortly about it.

Enjoy the nice weather to come.
Ms. Bishop Moisan and the grade 5/6 class