General Tips for Protecting Children from Alcohol Abuse

Fortunately, parents can do much to protect their kids from using and abusing alcohol:

  • Be a good role model. Consider how your use of alcohol or medications may influence your kids. Consider offering only nonalcoholic beverages at parties and other social events to show your kids that you don’t need to drink to have fun.
  • Educate yourself about alcohol so you can be a better teacher. Read and collect information that you can share with kids and other parents.
  • Try to be conscious of how you can help build your child’s self-esteem. For example,
  • Kids are more likely to feel good about themselves if you emphasize their strengths and positively reinforce healthy behaviours.
  • Teach kids to manage stress in healthy ways, such as by seeking help from a trusted adult or engaging in a favorite activity.

Teaching Kids to Say “No”

  • Teach kids a variety of approaches to deal with offers of alcohol:
  • Encourage them to ask questions. If a drink of any kind is offered, they should ask,
  • “What is it?” and “Where did you get it?”
  • Teach them to say “no, thanks” when the drink offered is an alcoholic one.
  • Remind them to leave any uncomfortable situation. Make sure they have money for transportation or a phone number where you or another responsible adult can be reached.
  • Teach kids never to accept a ride from someone who has been drinking. Some parents find that offering to pick up their kids from an uncomfortable situation — no questions asked — helps encourage kids to be honest and call when they need help.

Risk Factors:

  • Times of transition, such as the onset of puberty or a parents’ divorce, can lead kids to alcohol use. So teach your kids that even when life is upsetting or stressful, drinking al- cohol as an escape can make a bad situation much worse.
  • Kids who have problems with self-control or low self-esteem are more likely to abuse alcohol. They may not believe that they can handle their problems and frustrations without using something to make them feel better.
  • Kids without a sense of connectedness with their families or who feel different in some way (appearance, economic circumstances, etc.) may also be at risk. Those who find it hard to believe in themselves desperately need the love and support of parents or other family members.
  • In fact, not wanting to harm the relationships between themselves and the adults who care about them is the most common reason that young people give for not using alcohol and other drugs.

Message from Hanley Interns

To the Students, Parents, and Staff:

We would like to thank you for having us in your school and community this Fall. Interning at Hanley Composite has been a rewarding experience for each of us in many unique ways. We would like to thank the parents and staff for the support you have provided us throughout classroom initiatives and extra-curricular activities. We also would like to offer a special thank you to the students who taught us a great deal during our internship experiences; all students truly reinforced our decisions to become teachers.

Have a wonderful holiday and a very happy New Year! Sincerely,
Todd Cavanaugh, Jenna Kinzel, Jamie Rugg, and Jessalyn Clark

Grade 12 News

Christmas break is almost here and this year has been flying by. We have been very busy in the first half of our senior year and we are very excited to be done writing finals and to start planning grad. In English, we have finished writing our Three Day Road essays and are now forming our own ver- sion of Canada. In Chemistry, we are learning about Acids and Bases, and in Math we just wrote a test on Conics. In Home Ec and IA, we are finishing up on the projects of our choice. We are very excited for Christmas Break and wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Grade 11 News

In our classes, we are busy as ever. In Gym, we are playing floor hockey, as well as working out in the weight room and doing an 80’s workout. In English, we have just finished reading “To Kill a Mockingbird”. In Physics, we have just finished the Light Unit with Miss. Rugg (Ms. Prakash’s Intern). In Biology, we will be writing a test on Viruses, Bacteria, Protists and Fungi before the holidays. In Pre-Calculus, we are wrapping up a unit on Radical Expressions. In Workplace Math, we just completed a test on drawing exploding objects. The grade 11 class would like to say goodbye and thank you to all the Interns that were at Hanley School this past semester. As well as, wish everyone a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and to keep safe and warm during the holidays. See you in 2012!

Grade 10 News

Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell STOP not yet, it isn’t! Close, though, so close! The grade 10’s are working hard these days, but still managing some time to prepare for the upcoming season. They’re just finishing up studying parallel lines and angles in math. In direct opposition to this, they’re studying the paranor- mal in ELA. Basketball and floor hockey have been the order of the day in Wellness class. Home Ec and IA are still working on interior design and cabinet making. Some of the projects look fantastic, as always, thanks to Mr. T’s and Mr. C’s guidance. Chemistry and the weather are the subjects of interest in science, while the guillotine is taking care of French aristocratic subjects of interest in History. In driving, they’ve been driving, much to the terror of those on the sidewalks (and, somewhat more rarely, those on the streets). Finally, ecosystems and water have been the focus in Wildlife Management. Merry Christmas, everyone!

Grade 9 News

This has been a very busy month for the Grade Nines. In November, some members of our class approached Mr. Graham and proposed that we as a class look outside of ourselves and try to spread some goodwill to others less fortunate. It was decided that we would raise money for World Vision and use that money to purchase items for a village in a third world country. We held a soup sale, a bake sale and allowed the staff to wear jeans on any given work day for the small price of one dollar a day. As of this notice being typed, we have raised over $500. This is great and we want to send a huge thank you to everyone who has supported our venture. Again, it must be stressed that this project was solely student initiated and student driven. These really are amazing young people! We are looking forward to our Grade Nine Christmas Coffee House and Poetry Slam on Tuesday the 20th. We’ve been working hard on our Poetry Anthologies and we expect that these compositions will become treasured family heirlooms. We also want to extend a huge thank you to Miss Rugg who has been teaching our Art Class since the beginning of the year. You will be missed. To everyone else, We hope you and your family have a tremendous holiday and all the best in 2012.

Grade 8 News

In Social Studies the Grade 8’s are working on a Major Project. It is researching “Countries of the World”. This Project will continue into the New Year. In Science the Grade 8’s are near the end of a unit on “Water Systems”. There will be a major exam on this unit in January before the next report card. In Phys- ical Education the Grade 8’s are in the middle of a combined unit on Floor Hockey and Basketball. This unit leads into fitness testing right away in January when the Grade 8’s return. In Industrial Arts the Grade 8’s are working hard to complete their wood projects which are mostly mirrors, frames and cutting boards. In Art they are just finishing Roman Mosaics, and after the Christmas break the Grade 8’s will start a stained glass pro- ject. In Home Ec. the Grade 8’s are completing the sewing on their Christmas bags. In Math the Grade 8’s are wrapping up Operations with Fractions. Meanwhile, in ELA the Grade 8’s are finishing a project on the Count of Monte Cristo. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Grade 7 News

The grade 7 classroom is full of excitement for this Christmas Season! I just know all the kids are on Santa’s “Nice” list! However, along with all the happiness, we are sad to see our intern, Mrs. Kinzel, wrap up her time with us. She has been a pleasure to have around and her positive and outgoing spirit will be missed. Thanks for everything, Mrs. Kinzel! Good luck in your future career!

We have been working through fractions in math and “What’s so Funny?” in English. In social, we are beginning a new unit that will explore political, economic and social influences on the quality of one’s life. In science, we have just wrapped up Characteristics of Life. We have been working hard and have earned out Christmas Break!

In January, we are planning on going to Table Mountain for a day of downhill skiing! We are tentatively booked for January 27th, but depending on the amount of snow, we may need to postpone. Nevertheless, the Grade 7s will be fundraising for this outing. We will be selling Prairie Meats as a fundraiser. We will begin this fundraiser shortly after we return from Christmas Break. On January 17th, the Outreach Program from the Saskatchewan Science Centre will be in Hanley to work with our K-7 students. Each age group will be taking part in age appropriate science explorations! More information will be sent home early in the New Year.

In closing, I would like to wish everyone a safe and happy Christmas. May your lives be filled with Blessings and all the best to you and yours in the coming New Year! As always, please do not hesitate to call me should you have any ques- tions or concerns. I can be reached at the school, 544-2511, or by email.

Grade 6 News

The grade 6s start their day with 20 minutes of In Motion activity each day.
In ELA they are reading Half Brother and talking about relationships and children’s stories. In Math, students are practicing multiplication and learning geometry. Social Studies has them finishing their Saskatchewan symbols posters. Science has been busy trying to finish plants and animal classification. Next, we will be moving on to flight. In Phys. Ed. we are working on our basketball and floor hockey skills as well as fitness.

Grade 4 & 5 News

The months have seemed to fly by in the Grade 4/5 classroom! We have finished up our Science unit on Light and made some interesting discoveries with some fun experiments in this unit! Our Autobiographies are wrapped up and now some are creating videos to correspond with our essays, it has been a lot of fun learning about everyone in our classroom! Thank you to Mrs. Kinzel for the Social Studies unit she just wrapped up, we had fun learning about explorers and the First Nations people of Canada. Christmas Concert took a lot of practicing but it all paid off to see the performance on Wednesday night. Great work! I am so proud of everyone’s ef- forts! Have a great holiday and we will see you in the New Year!