2016 Hanley Graduation Live Stream

We are once again planning to broadcast the ceremonies for those who aren’t able to attend. Tune in on Friday evening at 7pm to view the stream of the 2016 Hanley Graduation Ceremonies on the uStream website

June 7 2016 update by Mr.Tucker: We are having some technical issues setting up the broadcast and testing it, but we will continue to work on the connection as the week progresses.

June 7 2016 update by Mr. Tucker: The most reliable feed for the broadcast is by first downloading the uStream app onto your smartphone or tablet or iPad, etc. Then click on the above link and choose the uStream app to watch the video. Running the video through a laptop or desktop doesn’t seem as reliable.

From the Office

With our early spring break for Easter back at the end of March, it’s going to feel a bit like a long stretch ahead for all of us here to reach the end of June. Students are in the midst of the semester two courses and I’m sure you’re aware that the grade 7-12 report cards are coming home this week. The last set of Parent Teacher Student Tri-Conferences were also in March, so if you have any concerns or questions on what you find in the report card, please contact the school and the specific teachers to find your answers.

Our School Community Council meets at the start of next month on May 2 to hold our annual meeting. We’d encourage any parent who’d like to be part of the council to contact the school and ask me or Mr. Anderson about the role they play in supporting our school goals. Any of the council members would also fill you in on the workings of the School Community Council.

Last week we celebrated our balcony construction being finished with some intramural shirts being handed out to the grade 7-12 students and a picture of them in their red, black and white colours on the balcony. A game of beach volleyball at noon against the All Star seniors took place as well.

Congratulations to Mrs. Griffin and our Drama club on their play, Dust, and their successful performance at Regionals. An encore performance on May 4 is scheduled here at the school again, the day before they perform at Provincial competition in Regina.

Our badminton season here at Hanley continues this month, with junior playoffs taking place Tuesday, May 3rd and then winners moving on to that Thursday and Saturday. Senior playoffs will start in Clavet Wednesday April 27th. Mr. Block is working with the larger group of players this year and it’s been nice to see so many kids out working on improving their game. Great job everyone!!

Track practices sound like they’ll start earlier this year with the week of April 18th since the field and rest of the yard have been drying up so much this spring. Practices are after school and Mrs. Koroll is organizing what looks like a large group of athletes.

I looked back at our April newsletter from last year and read that I was letting you know then about some future construction that would happen in the school, both in the halls and the balcony after that. I’m happy to say that it appears we’re finally through that last part of our renovations, and the whole school is back in use. We’re going to hold a BBQ burger lunch at noon on Thursday April 21 for the students and staff, and if you want to drop by for a walk around the school to see what updates and fixes have happened over the last two years, the school will be open for that.

That’s all for now. As always, Mr. Anderson and I would love to talk to you if you have time to drop by the office or give us a call. Take care and I’ll talk to you soon.

Chris Tucker Principal Hanley School


April has been a lovely month in Kindergarten. It is so nice to see and feel the sun out! In addition to being able to spend more time outdoors, the Kindergartens have been working hard in Writer’s Workshop, focusing on numbers and applications in Math, and we’ve had several new centers open up in our classroom. With inspiration from our story time books “Frog and Toad” by Arnold Lobel, our class has created a frog discovery & play center that they love! Our theme for sharing this month is “something that was passed down to us”. It has been fascinating to see the different cherished items our class has brought in. Thank you parents & students for sending such interesting items! Miss. B. & the Kindergarten class

Grade 2

I can’t believe that we are already nearing the end of April… this year continues to fly by it seems! It sounds like the grade two’s had a great week with Mrs. Harder last week – they did lots of cool science experiments and made some beautiful spring flowers! We are trucking along in our math unit on adding and subtracting two digit numbers to one hundred. The kids have been learning how to carry over and will soon learn how to borrow to help them with their work. We have finally wrapped up our Robert Munsch author study and are starting a poetry unit next week. I always look forward to this unit as it’s lots of fun making our own poetry anthologies. In the next week or two, we will be splitting into two groups and starting two new science units. For those kids that were in my class last year, they will learn about the weather and seasons with Miss Buchinksi. For those kids that were in Mrs. Martineau’s class last year, they will learn about air and water in the environment with me. We are also about halfway through our social studies unit on learning about our Canadian community. As always, please feel free to pop by and see what we are learning or if you have any questions!

Grade 1&3

It has been an exciting time in the 1/3 room! On Wednesday, we had our class mascot election. Everything was very official and the grade 3s did an excellent job with their campaigning and election duties! Sam the Wolf came out ahead and is our class mascot! The 3s also started their plant investigations. Some mixed soil with vinegar, oil, and sugar to see if it has an effect on a plant’s growth. Some are comparing sunlight vs. no sunlight and different watering schedules. It should be interesting! They will be studying structures next. The 1s continue to take care of our garden with Miss B., and they just started a weather unit. In math, the 1s finished their geometry unit. They learned the difference between 2-D and 3-D shapes and went on a shape scavenger hunt throughout the school. Up next is addition and subtractions to 20. The 3s are studying geometry. Currently, they are describing 3-D shapes (edge, face, vertices) and they will be constructing skeletons of these shapes next week. The 3s have been utilizing iPads to get extra time on ixl. I have found that this has really enhanced their math unit and they all have a deeper understanding of geometry. In health, the 3s will be studying tobacco and its affects and the 1s will be learning about street safety. In social studies, the 1s will be studying peace and dealing with conflicts at school. The 3s will be exploring conflict resolution when it comes to people having different opinions on the same issue. We have been working on building our reading stamina during E.L.A. We have daily stamina all-stars and this has been keeping the kids motivated. The 3s are learning about persuasive writing and the 1s are working on reading and listening to multi-step directions.

Grade 4-6

Spring!!! We are very busy in the grade 4,5,6 classroom. We have been working very hard on some poetry and working on Book in a Box projects. I can’t wait to see their projects. In Science we have been learning about weather. In Social Studies we have been exploring the topic of government. We are beginning a music unit in art. We are hoping that the weather stays beautiful and we can start learning about some track and field. Ms. Bishop Moisan and the grade 4,5,6 class.

Grade 7

The first part of April has managed to sneak right past me! March and April were busy months. The Grade 7’s were able to go on their ski trip and had a wonderful time! Thank you to all the parents, students and staff who contributed to the great day. I am currently working on planning the Grade 7 year-end trip: Blue Mountain Outdoor Adventure Park! I am aiming for the middle of June. The students will take part in zip lining, cooperative games, and other activities. This has been a traditional year-end trip for the Grade 7’s and has always proven to be memorable. I am able to take 3 parent volunteers/chaperones with the class. Once I have a date confirmed, I will send a letter home with the itinerary. If it is something you would like to do with your child and the Grade 7 class, please contact me at that time. Academically, the Grade 7s have just begun a unit on “Rates, Ratios and Proportions”. This is a challenging unit for most students, but I have no doubt we will see success! In ELA, we finished reading Tuck Everlasting and have moved onto a unit which focuses on “Personal Best”. Currently, we are looking at what it means to give your “Personal Best” in sport. We will expand our explorations in this theme. We have been largely focused on current events in social studies, and in art we are beginning to work on perspective drawings. The students have been studying “Temperature” in science, and have been looking at some hot topics that are really cool! In closing, please feel free to contact me should you have any questions or concerns. Take care and enjoy the warm weather!

Grade 8

In Math, the class is starting to review this year’s concepts. In ELA, the class is working on the novel “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas”. In Art, we are still working on a drama unit and are filming our own plays. In Health, the class just finished learning about healthy decisions related to violence. Discuss ways to determine when support is needed, and will soon be starting a body image and self-esteem unit. Social – They are working on building their own businesses and will be taking part in a Hanley School Business Fair tentatively set for May 12th. In Home Ec., the class has started a sewing basics unit. They are learning how to use a sewing machine and will be starting a rice bag sewing project very soon! In PE, the class has just finished badminton and fitness testing and will be beginning an Archery Unit, mixed in with Track and Field events (weather permitting). Science – They have finished optics and vision and are just starting forces, fluids, and density.

Grade 9

The Grade 9 class has continued to work hard for the month of April. They have been busy learning about William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet in English class and have continued to study ancient civilizations in Social Studies. In Math, they have been working with symmetry and rotations. They have been enthusiastic towards badminton in Phys. Ed. class and many of the students are playing on the badminton team. They have been busy cooking in Home Ec. and have just switched sections in I.A., where they are learning about small engines and how to weld. They have spent the last few weeks studying musicals in Art class and have specifically looked into The Lion King and The Wizard of Oz.

Grade 10

Spring has officially arrived! The grade 10’s have been busy dodging rain drops and getting homework done. In ELA they’ve been studying short stories and poems about ethics and equity. In Social Studies they’ve been studying Canadian Sovereignty. The Periodic Table has been front and center as they study elements and compounds in Science. In Wildlife, they’ve just finished looking at Raccoons. Math has been looking at the relationships between exponents and radicals. Chicken Soup will be served up by the Commercial Cooking class this week. And in CAD, the designers are working on their floor plans and exterior views. Have a great April, everyone!