The Grade 12’s have been extremely busy expanding their intellectual horizons. In ELA/SS, they have been learning about First Nations culture and history, as well as reading the novel Three Day Road. In Chemistry, they have been studying Rate of Reactions, and in Math they are learning Trigonometry. Most of the Grade 12’s are also very busy with Football, Volleyball, and SRC and they have all done a great job stepping up into leadership positions within the school.
Grade 11
These are busy days in the grade eleven’s school life. The theme for gym is skills- volleyball, golf, football and beginning basketball. In math class, we have been working on sine and cosine laws, as well as, acute trigonometry. In biology, we have been studying ecological organizations such as food chains and habitats. We have been learning about the first World War and the poems written by the soldiers. In physics we are learning about the characteristics of waves. Busy times!!!!
Grade 10
Warning! Several Grade 10’s have been issued their Learner’s Licenses! If you were go- ing to panic, now’s the time! In other news, the grade 10’s have been busy with a variety of curricular and extra- curricular activities so far this fall. In between bumping, setting and spiking, as well as
tackling and catching expertly thrown passes, showing up at the school at 6:30 in the morning to practice and break down film, they’ve been studying sustainability of ecosystems, doing projects on bullying, taking pictures, gluing wooden boxes together in IA, fitness testing and learning how much money comes off their paycheques to fund things like CPP and EI. If you’re out of breath at the end of that sentence, just think how they feel! Take care and have a great month!
Grade 9
We hope this newsletter finds you well. We are still really enjoying ourselves in grade nine. There is so much happening. In fact, we just returned from a field trip to Wanuskewin. It was amazing. Really. Have you been there? If not, you should.
Mr. Howie continues to impress with his wit and wisdom in Mathematics and Science. We’ve been learning how to handle exponents as well as getting ready to present our research findings on elements. You can find them on the Periodic Table. Have you ever seen the periodic table? If not, you should. Ancient civilizations, current events and the connections between the two continue to dominate our discussions in Social Studies. In ELA, we are reading Romeo and Juliet. It is an incredible story on so many levels. Have you ever read it? If not, you should.
“Take your Kids to Work Day” is approaching, so please help us remember to bring our forms in ASAP.
Well there really is a lot more we could tell you but it’s as though after reading this some of you may have quite a bit to do, so we’ll let you go.
Grade 8
The unit we are on in Home Ec. is Baking Basics, so yummy things like; pancakes, biscuits, muffins and cookies. While in Social Studies, we continue to explore various cultures and the elements which are universal to all cultures. In ELA we are working through a thematic unit on the “Edge of Survival”. In Health, we just finished watching the
documentary Super-Size Me. Next we will begin a group project on promoting fitness to children. In Math we are completing Square Roots and the Pythagorean Theorem. Physical Education is starting fitness testing and finishing Volleyball. We will also soon start Tchoukball and indoor soft-lacrosse in early Nov. I.A. is completing Isometric projections and Computer
Assisted Drafting. In Science we are looking at the Cells, tissues & organs unit. Specifically, looking at osmosis & diffusion through a cell membrane. In Art class we just finished textured landscapes
Grade 7
Things continue to be busy in the Grade 7 room. In ELA, the boys continue to study the novel, Escape From Home. The girls continue to study the theme, Science Fiction. Math has both groups looking at Patterns and Relationships. In social, the Grade 7 class will be exploring “Cooperation and Interdependence in North America”. In science, the students are studying rocks and minerals and further their research about the” Earth’s Crust”.
Every year, the Grade 7 class takes its first field trip in October. I had originally intended to try for Oct. 19th, but scheduling conflicts have not allowed this to be the case. Therefore, we will be heading to Saskatoon for bowling and swimming early in November. We will be planning a bake sale to help offset costs for the trip. Please look for a note home in the next week or two to clearly outline our trip and fundraising efforts.
Grade 6
What a beautiful fall! The grade 6 class is finishing up a unit in ELA about folk tales, fairy tales and fables and will be starting a new unit about Peace. In Math we are finish- ing up Whole numbers and will be working on patterns. In Science, the class is putting together presentations about the planets and working on creating the solar system in our room. Arts Ed has everyone working on a variety of pieces using different mediums. In Social Studies we are studying the differences between the people of West and Central Africa and Saskatchewan. In Phys Ed we continue to work on skill development and a variety of games.
Grade 4 & 5
Time sure flies by fast!! We are already planning for Halloween, next Christmas! We have settled into our class- room routine now and are delighted to have beautiful tables to sit at! We will soon be starting our first Novel Study- How to Eat Fried Worms! Habitats and Communities are still our Science topics and we have been learning a lot about Saskatchewan Heroes in Social Studies. We are looking forward to the snowfall (well, some are:) Happy October!
Grade 2 & 3
The Grade 2/3s have a lot of exciting things happening right now. To name a couple: We are currently doing Robert Munsch literature circles (which we are loving) and we are also having all kinds of fun working with our Word Wall. You should ask us how to spell words like ‘people’ and ‘because’!
Kindergarten & Grade 1
The K/1 class has had an exciting month! Our medieval feast was awesome! Thank you to everyone for providing food. The students looked great all decked out as princesses and knights! The Grade 1s are writing stories based on pictures we take on nature walks. They try to listen to the sounds the letters make when writing words and are beginning to form proper sentences. The Kindergartens have been doing a variety of fine motor activities to begin the year. We have been practicing cutting with proper technique (no chicken arms, little cuts, and cutting away from ourselves). This month the Art Centre opens up during play time. We have had a giant cardboard castle in there that we have had many fun days with. I am excited to see what other creations the kids will come up with! In math the Grade 1s are focusing on representing numbers to 20 and the Ks are learning about sorting and patterns. I enjoyed seeing the families come out the tri-conferences! If these dates didn’t work for you, please contact me to set up an alternate time.