HBE update 09/25/23

Good Day HBE families:

We are at the end of September already, it went by quickly but it has been a beautiful month. 

I have 99% of the registrations completed, I am required to have all registrations entered by Sept 29th.  If you have recently received a phone call, or an email asking you to complete a form or an online registration please do so immediately.  Thank you to the families that have all their forms in already. 

 Next week I will start sending out the confirmation of enrolment letters by mail. 

Gym times : 

Starting  Oct 6th -May  24th : Students that are registered with PSSD homebased education have gym times available on: The gym times are not availble on non-school days. 

 Fridays  10am-12pm at the Martensville Athletic Pavillion, except the 3rd Friday of each month and these dates: March 22, 29th

Tuesdays from 1-3 pm : Warman Home Centre Communiplex (Legends) 

Rules and regulations:

The gym times are for registered PSSD HBE students

Parents are required to supervise their registered HBE students while at the MAP

indoor shoes are required

no food or glass bottles, 

no smoking, vaping or use of profanity or abusive language

there is zero tolerance for threats, inappropriate and violent behaviour at the MAP

HBE Communication Committee

Last year we started a HBE parent committee. They have set up a facebook page so HBE parents can ask, share and get information regarding PSSD home based.

The name of the Facebook group is : Prairie Spirit HBE Information  and the email address for the parents’ communication committee is : hbecommcomm@gmail.com

You will be asked to fill out a questionarie and we will confirm you are an HBE family before you will be invited to the Facebook group. Please complete the questionaire so we can grant you permission. 

Waldheim parentsWaldheim area parents have an SCC representative that is a communication link between Waldheim HBE families and the school. If you would like to receive information pertinent to Waldheim home based students and are from the Waldheim area please email Ryan Dueck to put your name on his emailing list;  ryandueck@hotmail.com

Drivers Ed Information:
If your child is turning 15 (or is currently 15 or older) you may register for Drivers Education by connecting with your local school. Please do this as soon as possible as dates are already set for the fall. When do you register please let me know so I can send you your student log in information.

Thank you and I hope your school year has started off well. 


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