Hello Homebased families:
Welcome to March:
I hope your educational pursuits are going along as planned as we are more then half way through the year. Remember that by June 15th your summative report and Periodic log for the school year are due. I have attached the templates that you are welcome to use. If you wish to add some pictures of samples of work that is great but I will not print all of them to add to the cumulative folder.
I have attached a few items that are mainly relevant to the grade 10-12 students,
1) The SIEC (Saskatoon Industry Education Council) March activites has numerous free opportunites for career planning and exploration coming up in March and April. The opportunities range from touring the STARS ambulance prpgram with a focus on Emergency Services or there is a Construction focused event and Law Enforcement event. To register for any of these free events please contact the number listed on the poster. https://www.facebook.com/saskatooniec

2) The 2nd attachment is regarding a scholarship offered by Rosthern & District Chamber of Commerce for $500 for Grade 12 pursuing post-secondary. The deadline is soon.
3) The 3rd attachment is the PSSD parent and student newsletter with advice on how to apply for various post-secondary programs in Saskatchewan and Alberta from nursing to agricultural studies and much more.https://pssd-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/personal/lf402_spiritsd_ca/Documents/Desktop/grade%2010-12%20pathwyas%20info/PSSD%20CAREER%20PARENT%20AND%20STUDENT%20NEWSLETTER%20March%202024%20(1).docx?d=w95dc0f079d424f3c836b0ba1ce7c53ff&csf=1&web=1&e=vcunzU
Sorry there is so much Grade 12 information this time but it is a busy time of year as we make plans for next year.