Return to School Plan

Good Afternoon Lake Vista Families, We are very pleased to share this information with you regarding the students return and opening to our school.  Please know as we begin the school year there may be changes to our school plan. Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation. We…

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Technology Return

Hello Lake Vista Families, This is intended for the families who borrowed technology from the school. We are going to be at the school on the following dates for technology return: Monday, June 22 from 8:30 – 12:00 Tuesday, June 23 from 1:00 – 3:00

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SCC Annual General Meeting

Due to the current restrictions on public gatherings the Lake Vista School SCC Annual General Meeting has been postponed until September 2020. Additional information about the nomination process and meeting details will be sent out when a date has been confirmed. If you would like more information about the School…

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Classroom Placements

One of our priorities at Lake Vista School is to honour parent voice and parent knowledge in our decision-making process. We are asking for your ideas and thoughts around classroom placements for next year. Classroom placements are very complex decisions and are based on many factors: Academic needs (including program…

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