Traditions Elementary School Community Council
A primary link between the home, community and school
Your 24/25 Traditions Elementary SCC is:
- Elected Representative Members
- Brittany Hadley (term to June 2025) – Chair
- Janine Heisler – (term to June 2026)
- Brittany Jullion (term to June 2025)
- Kim Kenke (term to June 2025)
- Amanda Gara (term to June 2026)
- Charity Lindsay (term to June 2026)
- Garett Mathiason (term to June 2025)
- Andrea Spezowka (term to June 2026)
- Kristie Virog (term to June 2026)
- Appointed Members
- Adin Dereniwski (PSSD Board Trustee)
- Dan Howie (School Staff Member)
- Twyla McNeil (School Staff Member)
- Greg Tebay (School Principal)
Our School Community Council (SCC) supports student learning success and well-being and encourages parent and community involvement in the school. Prairie Spirit School Division believes that involvement with SCCs is a rewarding and meaningful activity for parent and community members.
February Meeting Minutes
May Meeting Minutes
June Meeting Minutes
Successful schools don’t just happen. They need parent and community involvement!