
Read: A picture is worth a thousand words. Think about picture books and remember that picture books not only for younger readers. Who tells the story better? The author or the illustrator? Think about arguments/reasons for both sides. Perhaps this could be a friendly debate topic. As your family members their opinion.

Count: Explain why a square with an area of 20cm2 does not have a whole number side length. Use a picture as part of your explanation.

Move: Play a game of the floor is lava. Can you create a path from one
room to another using cushions, or other non-breakable items you
can jump to? What is the fewest numbers of jumps you can make?


Read: But why??? Think of 10 questions that begin with the word WHY?
Write them down. Now, answer 5 of those questions through
research (or use your own ideas for the answers!)

Count: Why do we use units squared when writing an area measurement and units cubed when writing a volume measurement? For example, the area of the floor is 20 m2 , the volume of the box is 36 cm3.
Choose something to measure the area of. Choose a cylinder in
your house to measure. Determine the measurements of the items
and record how you calculated those measurements.

Move: Paper ball Hacky Sack. Find a piece of scrap paper and crumple it
into a ball. With a family member or alone see how many hits you
can get with your feet and knees before the ball hits the ground.
How far is your best number from 5, 10, 100, 1000?


Read: In detail, describe an accomplishment that you are most proud of. Be sure to use imagery to describe the mood and experience to
your reader.

Count: Visit Nrich Maths at:
Click on Pythagoras and discover what he believed about numbers
that might seem strange to us today. What shape was he very
interested in and what ideas did he explore about that shape?

Move: Play a game of I spy but you only get 5 guesses (or a number of your choice). If you guess the correct item the other person has to do 5 push-ups, if you don’t you do the push-ups.


Read: Complete the 6 likes and 6 tags challenge, citing 6 things that you are grateful for. Then, tag 6 people to pass it on and keep it going. #grateful

Count: Construct the graph that represents the pattern 1,3,5,7,…, find the 10th term. Given the algebraic equation that represents the
pattern, t=2n-1, find the 100th term. Explain how equation, t=2n-1
represents the numerical pattern 1,3,5,7…

Move: Pass any non-breakable item in a large arc over your head from one hand to the other as many times as you can without dropping the ball. Name this game and virtually challenge your friends.


Read: Write a letter to yourself and date it for years from now (you
decide 5 years from now 10 years?) Write about what you are
experiencing during the school closure. Why do you think it is
worth while to write a letter to yourself dated for the future?

Count: Rob and Arham were asked to determine the measure of central tendency for the numbers of goals scored by their hockey team.
4 5 2 3 1 5 5 6 6 6 7
Rob worked with the first five values of the set of data. Arham
worked with all the values. a) Find the mean, median and mode for
Rob and Arham’s data sets. b) What is wrong with Rob’s sample?

Move: How many of your daily activities can you complete without using your thumbs?