School Community Council

Mission Statement

Colonsay School Community Council will support the school, the family and the community in promoting academic excellence, encouraging social development, fostering emotional well being and instilling a passion for life-long learning.

Keys to Successful Partnerships


  • Assist families with parenting skills and setting home conditions to support children as students.
  • Assist schools to better understand families.


  • Conduct effective communications from school-to-home and from home-to-school about school programs and student progress.


  • Organize volunteers and audiences to support the school and students.
  • Provide volunteer opportunities in various locations and at various times.

Learning at Home

  • Involve families with their children on homework and other curriculum-related activities and decisions.

Decision Making

  • Include families as participants in school decisions and develop parent leaders and representatives.

Collaborating with the Community

  • Coordinate resources and services from the community for families, students and the school, and provide services to the community

Meetings and Members

Meetings are held once a month on an agreed upon date. The Annual General Meeting is held in the spring. Approximately one-half of the representatives for a two-year term, are elected at the AGM.

Members are elected from the community each serving a 2-year term. Appointed members include the principal, vice-principal, staff representative, board representative, and SRC representative.

Current Community Members 2023-2024: Lamatia Robinson (Chair), Laura Ehr, Melissa Franson, Jessica Gehl, Tina Livingston, Jocelyn Palm, Mallorie Sadowick, Candace Yousie.


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