Grade 10 News

April! Finally! Between Drama, Badminton, track gearing up, the kids are still managing to learn things. In ELA/ History, they’ve just finished working on their projects for the book Indian Horse, which dealt with issues surrounding residential schools. Fitness testing has wrapped up in Wellness, and everyone’s looking forward to getting outside. In Wildlife Management, they’re studying Human and Animal Interactions, with a focus on raccoons. In CAD, they’re busy drawing their houses, and focusing on the electrical portion in particular. In Commercial Cooking, we’re all looking forward to a Taco fiesta! And finally, in Math, they’re busy working on roots and powers.

Grade 10 News

The Grade Tens are happy to report they have made it through their first ever set of final exams with minimal psychological damage. They’ve put in a good solid two weeks of Semester 2 and are ready for a break! In Wellness, they’re on the verge of starting badminton. Wildlife Management is currently focused on Arctic (and Antarctic) habitats. In math, they’ve been studying surface area and volume of pyramids, cones and spheres. Their History and ELA classes are combined, and they’re currently working on studying worldview within sharing circles. In Commercial Cooking they’ve been planning their first meal – quesadillas, le tots du pomme de terre (tater tots), and juice. Possibly from apples. And finally, in IA, they’ve been finalizing their house layouts in preparation for CAD.

Grade 10 News

Seems like summer slipped right into winter, doesn’t it? Well, it’s good practice for all our young drivers as they start the country and city driving por- tion of Driver’s Ed. The grade tens have been working on a variety of things so far this term. In math they’ve been looking at converting between metric and imperial. In science they’re experimenting with explosions and chemical reactions. ELA has each person researching a topic of their own personal interest. The Commercial Cooking class is gearing up again as they move in to the newly renovated Home Ec Lab. The IA shop is also nearing completion, unlike many of the grade 10’s projects. Wellness has seen the eager young athletes playing Matt Ball and Swamp Ball. And finally, in Wildlife Management, they’re working on a survival unit! Keep fit and have fun!

Grade 10 News

Well, we all blinked and September is gone. Time flies when you’re busy! In between all the extra-curricular activities, the Grade 10’s are still managing to learn some things. In ELA, each student is analyzing a book of their choice. In Science they’ve been studying organisms and bio- diversity. Wellness has been a welcome relief from the stresses of their young lives as they play some dodge ball and volleyball. The Commercial Cooking class has started serving some fine meals like Spaghetti with meat sauce, and Chicken Noodle Soup. And after some preliminary work, individual projects are starting to shape up in Industrial Arts. And finally in math, they’ve been studying payroll deductions and are now starting in on unit conversions in both Imperial and Metric. Go Sabers!

Grade 10 News

Halfway through May and it’s a glorious day!
The sun is shining and the grade 10’s are in a happy way.
They’re studying Racism and the Holocaust in ELA
and animals’ vulnerabilities with Mr.A.
Roots and Powers in math, what can I say?
In Wellness it’s about track, and to Griffith’s Stadium they’ll soon be away.
They’re drawing outside elevations in CAD in IA.
In Commercial cooking, it’s meals and Iron Chef Friday! And finally, in Social, they’re conducting interviews to decide which side of the political spectrum people are on, which, quite frankly, doesn’t rhyme with anything.

Take care, and have a great May!

Grade 10 News

Well, March might have come in like a lion, but it’s starting to show its more lamb-like qualities with this recent bout of warmer weather. It’s always fun (and a little alarming) to watch spring fever set in! The grade 10’s have been having a good month so far, though. Their Quinzee Night for Wildlife Management was a huge success. Badminton is in full swing in Wellness. Math is only somewhat less exciting, as we get deep in to factoring trinomials – I think it might be even more popular than the Ski Trip to Table Mountain was! In ELA, the ten-sies are reading Saul Indian Horse, a novel about a young aboriginal boy who goes to a residential school and then gets drafted into a junior hockey team. In IA, they’re drafting and in Commercial Cooking they’re cooking food. Good food. And finally, in Social, they’re working on a Political Parties assignment. Have a great rest of March!

Grade 10 News

The Grade 10’s have been working hard (with it being so cold outside, there’s not much else to do!) and the upcoming break has caught some of them by surprise! Their eager young minds have been filled with controversial topics, as their combined ELA / Social Studies class has them arguing both sides of tough issues. In Math, they’ve been calculating the surface area and volume of various shapes, as well as converting measurements from Imperial to Metric and vice versa. In Wildlife Management, they’ve been studying wilderness survival. Commercial Cooking has them devising ever more delicious meals. The next one coming up is grilled cheese, broccoli cheddar soup, and chocolate chip cookies! Yumm. And last (but not least), in IA, they’ve started Computer Assisted Drafting. Enjoy the break!

Grade 10 News

Final exams are almost here! For the grade 10’s this is their first set of exams of many to come. I almost feel bad for them – almost. In Math, they’ve just finished up a unit on Geometry and are now studying furiously for their final. In ELA, students have been reading poetry and reading for understanding. In Wildlife Management, they’ve finished aquatic systems and have been watching some animal documentaries. In Wellness, they’ve been fitness testing, which goes well with the unit on Motion in Science. The IA students are carefully putting the finishing touches on their projects and in Commercial
Cooking, they’re prepping for their last meal. How appropriate right before finals! Good luck! (Thanks to Steffen for his help!)

Grade 10 News

The grade 10’s are so excited for the snow to arrive! Ok, maybe excited is the wrong word, but there are definitely some strong emotions. The snow is making it easier to focus on their studies, though. For instance, in English, they’re studying Challenges. Workplace Math 10 has them doing unit conversions for temperature and mass. Wildlife Management is currently focused on wilderness survival, trapping and hunting. The kids are having tons of fun in Wellness playing Basketball. Next week’s meal in Commercial Cooking is Lasagna. In IA, they’re still focused on cabinetmaking. And in science, they’ve just started Chemistry!

Have a great November!

Grade 10 News

Well, the grade 10’s are one month in and lamenting all those lost summer days! Or they would be if they had a spare moment, anyway. In Cabinet Making, they’re already done their frames and are working on Crowns and kickboards. Commercial Cooking has already seen a few fine meals served to staff and students, and the kids have completed the Food Handlers Course as well as going on field trips to Earls and City Hospital. In Math, there was a collective groan as they found out how many deductions would be coming off of their paychecks (we’re doing financial math) when they’re employed full time. In Wellness, the focus has been on Personal Fitness for Life. In ELA, the earnest youngsters have been doing a bunch of creative writing and examining the mysteries of the unknown, like where the second sock goes when only one comes out of the dryer… Freaky. In science, they’ve just finished a major project on Ecological Sustainability and have been talking about population dynamics. And finally, in Driver’s Ed, they’re scaring us all. Have a great month!