Grade 1-2

Wow, does anyone else feel like this year has flown by!? Busy as usual in the Grade 1/2 room. We have been working on finishing up our last Math Units, and will now be moving on to some review of the year and problem solving for our last month of school. In Science our Plant Unit is coming to an end, and our Marigolds we worked so hard at keeping alive are now delivered to their intended recipients. Hopefully they can be transplanted at home, and enjoyed all summer! Our class received a letter from a boy in Kennedy, SK to participate in “The Great Canadian Mail Race”. We accepted the challenge and learned about writing friendly letters. We chose cities/towns from all over Canada to send our letters, some within Saskatchewan, some as far as Nova Scotia. This was a great opportunity for our class to connect with students from far and wide, and we are anxiously awaiting their replies. We also were so lucky to get a tour of the post office! Our class loved the puppet show “Munsch it up!” that we got to see at Kenaston School. They were so well done we had a hard time deciding which was our favorite! On May 10th we turned our classroom into a theater and had the K/3’s come watch our Fairytale Movies we had made. It was a great day, and the students did an awesome job selling tickets, running the concession, taking tickets, ushering students to their seats, and announcing before each show. WAY TO GO!

Grade 1-2

Wow! Time is just flying in the Grade 1/2 room! We can’t believe that the break is nearly here. We have been doing lots in our classroom the last little while, and will be switching over to lots of subjects in the coming weeks. Both the grade 1/2’s were working hard in Math learning about Measurement, and have now finished their units. We will be moving on to Geometry this week. In Language Arts we have almost finished up our Unit on Fairy Tales, and will soon be moving on to Poetry. We have done a lot of reading and discussion on our feelings and how they effect our decision making processes, and the way they can effect those around us. In Social Studies we have been continuing our learning on Families, Traditions and Celebrations. Currently we have been talking about cultural diversity, and will be trying out a few foods from different cultures. On February 8th, we celebrated the 100th day of school with many fun activities. We brainstormed 100 words we knew, performed 100 acts of kindness, and also did some reading, writing, and math all with 100 as our theme. The kids dressed up as if they were ‘100’ years old, and looked great! It was a good day! We would also like to send out a big thank you to the parents who were able to come out and help tie skates on Friday. It was a huge help, and made the afternoon run so smoothly. We really appreciate it. Thank you!

Grade 1-2

Well our first month together since Mrs. Romanchuk’s departure has flown by! We are really getting into our own groove now, and have quite a few things happening in our classroom! This week we finished up our second unit in Math. The grade 1’s finished talking about the many different ways we can represent numbers from 1-20, and the grade 2’s finished representing numbers from 1-100. Next week we will be starting new units on Addition and Subtraction! In Science we are also finishing up our unit on Animals. We have learned so much about the many different animal groups and are currently writing our own animal reports! We have started a few new things in our classroom. Spelling is up and running and the kids have been doing very well with their words. We have our take home reading up and running and we just started Writer’s Workshop. We are learning about what author’s do to be successful writers, and are excited to write our own books in the future. That’s all for now! Mrs. Moskalyk

Grade 1-2

The grade 1/2’s have had lots of changes this month. The biggest change being that Mrs. Romanchuk going on maternity leave 2 weeks early, and Mrs. Moskalyk starting. We are settling in as a class together quite well. Both the grade 1’s and 2’s finished up their Math units on Patterns. In Language Arts we are starting up our Spelling programs, and continuing to perfect letter formation and writing paragraphs. In Science we continue to learn about the ‘Growth and Changes in Animals, and we look forward to learning all about Our Community in our upcoming Social Studies unit. We are all so excited for Halloween this month! -Mrs. Moskalyk

Grade 2

I can’t believe that we are already nearing the end of April… this year continues to fly by it seems! It sounds like the grade two’s had a great week with Mrs. Harder last week – they did lots of cool science experiments and made some beautiful spring flowers! We are trucking along in our math unit on adding and subtracting two digit numbers to one hundred. The kids have been learning how to carry over and will soon learn how to borrow to help them with their work. We have finally wrapped up our Robert Munsch author study and are starting a poetry unit next week. I always look forward to this unit as it’s lots of fun making our own poetry anthologies. In the next week or two, we will be splitting into two groups and starting two new science units. For those kids that were in my class last year, they will learn about the weather and seasons with Miss Buchinksi. For those kids that were in Mrs. Martineau’s class last year, they will learn about air and water in the environment with me. We are also about halfway through our social studies unit on learning about our Canadian community. As always, please feel free to pop by and see what we are learning or if you have any questions!

Grade 2

Welcome back after the winter break! I hope everyone had a wonderful family day. We have started a new math unit on measurement. Please continue to practice mental math skills at home, as we will soon learn to add and subtract with larger numbers and knowing the basic facts will be of great assistance. For ELA, we have been dabbling in a few different things. The kids have been really pumped about writing lately, as we have been working on our creative writing stories. We even wrote a class book called “Fantastic Fiction” that you will have to check out at parent-teacher interviews next month! We have started our letters to our grade two pen pals in Martinsville as well. We have also been learning about the difference between fiction and nonfiction, as well as a variety of text features. We are working on a Robert Munsch author study, are doing well with our spelling program, and are learning about vowel digraphs and diphthongs in phonics. For health, Mrs. Leier has been coming in to talk to us about ways to stay on task, handle situations in an appropriate way, and to manage our emotions more effectively. Our first lesson with her included some role playing on my part where I had to be distracting to the kids throughout the lesson – I’m not sure who had more fun, them or me (haha)! In science, we are learning about solids, liquids and gases. For social studies, we have been learning about life in the past, particularly about the origin of Hanley. We have also learned about First Nations that connect to Hanley as well. I look forward to seeing everyone at parent-teacher interviews next month!

Grade 2

Welcome to 2016! We have had a great couple weeks back after our Christmas break. We have started a new math unit on adding and subtracting numbers to twenty. Please practice mental math equations with your child at home to assist them with this unit. Our first spelling test went off without a hitch! The students were thrilled to incorporate it into our daily 5 routine and were quite excited to have a test! For writer’s workshop, we have been talking about the difference between fiction and nonfiction stories. The kids have been working on some very imaginative creative writing stories! We are working on wrapping up our social studies unit on communities and will soon begin a new science unit on properties of solids, liquids and gases. We recently studied Vincent Van Gogh in art and the grade two’s made some beautiful replicas of his Starry Night.

Grade 2

Season’s Greeting from grade two! It has been a busy, yet fun month around here. We had a wonderful time on our field trip! I was amazed at how many dare devils we had at the Forestry Farm, where they were able to feel a variety of animals, such as a snake, hedgehog, and a ferret just to name a few. The kids also enjoyed all of the activities at Flip Gymnastics, from relays to stations to free exploration. We have been busy wrapping up lots of units in math and science, as well as health. I think we are all excited to start some fresh new topics in the new year. We wrote friendly letters to Santa, and even had a chance to walk down to the post office to mail them! I also made a colour photocopy so that the kids could read each other’s letters and share them with you at home as well. We will continue our letter writing in January as we buddy up with Miss Janet Adelman’s grade two class from Martensille. The kids are pretty excited to write back and forth with their soon to be pen pals! They are really starting to enjoy our daily 5 activities, and it’s amazing how well they are working independently through this process. We have been working on making connections as we read, as well as answering the 5 W’s (who, what, when, where and why) as we write to include more details in our work. We have had lots of fun singing Christmas carols and making beautiful Christmas art. I hope that everyone has a safe and Merry Christmas holiday!

Grade 2

Hello, not much has changed in the grade two class this month! We are very excited for our field trip to the Forestry Farm, Montana’s, and Flip Gymnastics on Thursday! The kids have been counting down for a while now! In math, we are continuing with our unit on numbers to one hundred, which will probably take us to the Christmas break. For ELA, we have been working on four out of the five Daily 5 choices: Read to Self, Read to Someone, Listen to Reading, and Work on Writing. Our last Daily 5 choice is Word Work/Spelling which I will introduce shortly. We will probably have one or two spelling lessons before Christmas, then start full swing after the New Year. We have also started to write friendly letters for our Writer’s Workshop. Our first letter we are writing is to Santa Claus! We have also been working on blends and digraphs for phonics to help us with sounding out words as we read and write. We are still working on our Healthy Body unit for health, Communities for social studies (it’s a long one!), and are just wrapping up our Animal unit for science.

Grade 2

Hello! The first couple of weeks back at school have been busy with the kids transitioning into grade two; they are starting to settle in with our classroom routines and are getting the swing of things. Miss Kolach, our new special education teacher, is helping us with math. Math is set up similar to last year, where the grade two’s are split into two groups and will rotate back and forth between Miss Kolach and myself. Our first unit is on patterning. In Language Arts, we are starting our reader’s workshop, focusing on how to read a book and choosing just right books. For writer’s workshop, we are going back to basics on how to make a great sentence. We are also currently working on a nursery rhyme unit. As we are still getting established in our language arts program, I’ve decided to start our spelling program in October as opposed to September. We are also learning about Growth and Changes in Animals for Science, as well as Our Local Community for Social Studies. Feel free to pop by to see what we are learning about or if you have any questions about your child’s progress in school.

Mrs. Romanchuk