The grade 8s are in various class combinations this year and getting a variety of topics in their classes. In ELA classes, students are reading The Giver as well as focusing on Poetry and essay writing. Science class has started this year with the topics of the Water Cycle and Light Reflection/Refraction. Study of various cultures, immigration, migration and maps is the focus in Social Studies. The two classes are at the same place in Math, reviewing some work from last year, and learning about exponents. Fitness courses, dodge ball and mat ball as well as throwing skills have been topics in Phys Ed. Lastly, isometric drawings, reviewing how to cook and putting those skills to the test making cookies have been the areas of study in PAA.
Category Archives: Grade 8
Grade 8 News
In grade 8, in the month of June, many interesting events have occurred. In Science ,the grade 8’s went to Harry Bailey Centre to compete in the boat races. In English, they had an assignment to create 5 creative pieces of writing. In Math, we have been discovering the mysteries of distributive property, also known as beginning Algebra. The Social class have been learning about our countries government. Health has us doing career education, which will be presenting to our parents later. In Art, we’ve finished our class pointillism project which worked in conjunction with our science unit to build and design creative structures.
Grade 8 News
In Grade 8 I.A., the boys have chosen and are fine tuning their woods projects. In Grade 8 Home Ec. the girls are starting to sew their pajama pants. Math is still working on a large unit on ratios, rates, and percentages. In Science, the class is looking at the properties of fluids, in- cluding buoyancy, density and viscosity. In Social Studies the
students have been researching and creating their own countries and governments. In ELA they are finishing a novel study on “The Giver” and about to start a Creative Writing Unit. In Health class some students continue to do homework on Decision Making. We have begun to study about school skills that transfer to the work-force world. In Physical Education we have started Track and Field. We are playing some modified Slow-Pitch games now that the outdoors has finally warmed up. The last set of fitness tests begin in early June.
Grade 8 News
In Grade 8 I.A., the boys are working on their woods projects. In Grade 8 Home Ec. the girls are working on sewing. Math is covering ratios, rates, and percentages. In Science, the class is looking at the effects of forces in and on objects in fluids, including
the buoyant force. In Social Studies, the students are researching and analyzing Citizenship. In ELA, we are still working on a novel study called “The Giver”. In Health class, the students continue to work on Decision Making. Currently, they are on Habit
6 – “Synergize” and then finally on to the last Habit 7 “Sharpen the Saw”. In Physical Education we are impatiently waiting for Spring so we can start Track and Field. We are filling the time with extra games dreaming of heat and the outdoors.
Grade 8 News
In Physical Education we are working on individual Badminton skills and rules, then playing some Badminton games and some floor hockey. In ELA we are continuing to work on a short story unit about taking a second look at things and sometimes being surprised at what you see. Students also just finished a Reader’s Theatre on the Monkey’s Paw and are now writing a script for a prequel. Math, we are still working on our unit: Measuring Prisms and Shapes. In Arts Ed. the students are completing Acrylic Art Line paintings. In Science, the class is studying about Refraction of Light. In Grade 8 I.A., the boys are working on Isometric projections. In Grade 8 Home Ec. the girls are reviewing kitchen basics. They are making a cake pop bouquet for Valentine’s Day. In Social Studies the students are exploring suffragettes and the women’s right to vote. We researched Nellie McClung and are now working on related projects. In Health class the students are working on a Decision Making unit focusing on ‘self’ and utilizing Steven Covey’s “Seven Habits”.
Grade 8 News
In Social Studies, the students are delving into treaty negotiations and how it is still pertinent today, as seen in recent current events. In Physical Education we are finishing up Term 2 Fitness Testing and playing several games including some floor hockey. While in in ELA we are working on a new short story unit about taking a second look at things and sometimes being surprised at what you see. In Math, we have started a new unit on surface area and volumes of geometric shapes. In Science the students are just finishing constructing light mazes. Several students recently competed at Cameco Spectrum. In Industrial Arts, we are rushing to finish our woods projects. Most students are staining and getting ready to mount the mirrors into frames. In Home Ec we are completing a unit on Fruits. Students have tasted exotic and uncommon fruits. They researched a fruit and had a lab with fruit. We are looking forward to our final celebration meal.
Grade 8 News
In Social Studies the Grade 8’s are starting on a new Unit about Canadian Identity and World Views, particularly “How Land Forms Our Identity”. In Physical Education the Grade 8’s have started a unit on Floor Hockey and finished their Basketball unit. Fitness test- ing begins again right away in January when the Grade 8’s return, so not too many ‘Christmas Goodies’ without a lot of fresh air and exercise. In Industrial Arts the Grade 8’s are working hard to complete their wood projects which are mostly mirrors, frames, shelves and stools. In Art they are just finishing movie Scroll Boxes. In Home Ec. the Grade 8’s are completing the sewing on their Pajama Pants. In Math the Grade 8’s are wrapping up a Fractions Unit with a test the last week before the Christmas break. Meanwhile, in ELA the Grade 8’s are finishing novel projects. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Grade 8
In Social Studies they are completing a section on “Culture” and will soon be starting a new Unit on “Canadian Identity”. In Industrial Arts they have started designing wood projects, such as mirrors. In Home Ec. the boys have started sewing with sewing machines and are starting to make pyjama pants. In Health/Guidance they are examining eating disorders and are busy promoting physical activity to children at lunch hour by organizing and playing games with younger students. In Math they are working with Integers and having a Unit test late in the week of Nov 19th. In Science they are studying about “Organ Systems”. Physical Education has started a Basketball Unit and is continuing a games unit with Tchukball amongst others.
Early in the New Year a winter activities unit will start over at the curling/skating rink and organizing to get a pair of skates will be beneficial, but a helmet is required. Even if the student borrows or shares with another student from another grade would be appreciated. The ELA class has begun studying the novel called “The Outsiders”.
Grade 8
The unit we are on in Home Ec. is Baking Basics, so yummy things like; pancakes, biscuits, muffins and cookies. While in Social Studies, we continue to explore various cultures and the elements which are universal to all cultures. In ELA we are working through a thematic unit on the “Edge of Survival”. In Health, we just finished watching the
documentary Super-Size Me. Next we will begin a group project on promoting fitness to children. In Math we are completing Square Roots and the Pythagorean Theorem. Physical Education is starting fitness testing and finishing Volleyball. We will also soon start Tchoukball and indoor soft-lacrosse in early Nov. I.A. is completing Isometric projections and Computer
Assisted Drafting. In Science we are looking at the Cells, tissues & organs unit. Specifically, looking at osmosis & diffusion through a cell membrane. In Art class we just finished textured landscapes
Grade 8 News
Wow! The grade eights have finally actually made it into a classroom in the High School! So, to celebrate, we are reviewing in Math their foundational math skills and will shortly be studying “Square Numbers and the Pythagorean Theorem”. While in ELA the students have been sharpening their grammatical skills and will begin their first thematic unit, “On the Edge of Survival”, shortly. Meanwhile, in Art class, the 8’s are making beautiful art out of simple 1 inch black lines. In Science, the unit of study is Cells, Tissues and Organs. We have investigated living versus non-living things. We are about to embark on the microscopic world with our new found knowledge of the microscope. In Health, students are learning about promoting physical activity to others. In PE we are trying to sneak in those summer and fall activities outside before the weather turns too cold on us.