Grade 12 News

In ELA/Social Studies, we are in the midst of a Native Studies unit and learning about First Nations history and culture. In Chemistry, we have been working on solubility and its traits. In Pre-Calculus, we just wrote a chapter test and will be moving on to the next unit. The rest of the class is finishing up a chapter on Sine/Cosine laws in Workplace 30. In Home Economics, we are almost finished quilting, and the IA crew is busy with their woodworking projects.

-Taylor S.

Grade 11 News

The grade 11 class has been involved with many things in the school over the past month, both academically and non-academically. We had the honour this year of organizing the annual Remembrance Day service. The service went very well, despite some technical difficulties with the microphone. Everyone really respected the service and the hard work that went into organizing it. Our academic year is also going well. For most of us, our plate is full! We are learning everything under the sun, such as z-score and the probability curve in Math, how the body works in Health Science, how the mind works in psychology, as well as getting our 60 minutes of daily physical activity in Wellness, manip- ulating waves in Physics, creating our own robots in Robotics, and trying to wrap our head around World War One in English/History. As you can see, the grade 11 class is nicely settled into the swing of things and ready to learn.


Grade 10 News

Seems like summer slipped right into winter, doesn’t it? Well, it’s good practice for all our young drivers as they start the country and city driving por- tion of Driver’s Ed. The grade tens have been working on a variety of things so far this term. In math they’ve been looking at converting between metric and imperial. In science they’re experimenting with explosions and chemical reactions. ELA has each person researching a topic of their own personal interest. The Commercial Cooking class is gearing up again as they move in to the newly renovated Home Ec Lab. The IA shop is also nearing completion, unlike many of the grade 10’s projects. Wellness has seen the eager young athletes playing Matt Ball and Swamp Ball. And finally, in Wildlife Management, they’re working on a survival unit! Keep fit and have fun!

Grade 9 News

The busyness of grade 9 continues into November. In Social Studies, we just wrapped up our study of the ancient world, and now the students are learning about the societies of the middle ages. The Career class is starting to learn about budgeting, by playing the online game “The Real Game”. Our Health section is wrapping up a unit on addictions by making a drug-free lifestyle brochure. The Phys. Ed. classes are starting basketball and a winter game unit. The art classes are doing a student generated project to address an issue of con- cern. Science 9 has put a wrap on their study of atoms and elements. In the ELA classes, the students are starting a unit exploring the themes of love, loyalty, and relationships.

Grade 8 News

In Math 8 the students are working with Fractions, Decimals and Percentages. In ELA the students just finished “The Outsiders” novel study and will begin working on the theme of, “Is It Fair? Justice for All?” In Art the class just wrapped up a “Diet For Diabetes” project and Bake Sale. The Science class is finishing looking at “How People’s use of Water can Affect the Earth’s Water Supply.” In IA 8 the class is beginning their wood projects, such as mirrors. The Social Studies class is examining the Fur Trade, while the Health class is examining the way Media represents the incorrect image of the human body through advertising. In Home Ec. the class is learning the basics of cooking in the kitchen.

Grade 7 News

November has been very busy so far! The Grade 7s have been wrapping up units left and right! Currently, they are working on a novel study in ELA, Tuck Everlasting. There have been some really insightful comments from the class! In math, we have begun to refresh some fraction skills before we begin to explore new elements of fractions, decimals, and percentages. Science has had the class digging for information about soils, and in social studies, the topic has turned to food security.

I would like to take a moment to thank all the parents and students who made it out to Tri-Conferences. It was great visiting and having an opportunity to discuss how the year is going. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at the school (306-544-2511) or via email.

Grade 5 & 6 News

I think winter is officially here. We have begun some new units in all courses. In ELA we are learning about Peace, doing some grammar, a little poetry and continuing on with our word study spelling tests. In Math the grade 5’s are focusing on multiplication and division. The grade 6’s are just finishing a unit about whole numbers. In Science we are learning about simple ma- chines. We are beginning a unit in Social Studies where we look at a variety of locations around the world. In Art we are doing a little drama and will be learning a bit about music. Please continue to have your children work on their multiplication tables. We would love to have everyone in the class knowing to their 11 times tables by Christmas.

Stay warm,
Bishop Moisan and the Grade 5/6 class.

Grade 3 & 4 News

Well, it’s winter! Please remember to send ski pants, boots, and extra mitts for recess time. The kids love building forts and sliding down the hill, so extra socks and clothes are also good to have as a back up. In math the 3s are finishing up their unit on numbers to 1000. There is a unit test on Friday, November 21 for the grade 3s only. The 4s will likely have their text during the last week of November, depend- ing on how the last few les- sons go. The students are excited about their endangered species report! They are being challenged to think outside the box when it comes to their presentation. If they usually make posters, they should try something else this time. Miss Simonson will be finished teaching social studies this week. The students loved having her in the room and really enjoyed learning about agriculture. I think even some of our farm kids were surprised at how many different kinds of farms there are. We are doing a bit of football and a bit of floor hockey this month in phys. ed. I hope to get a few of the football coaches in our class to practice some skills and drills! In Reader’s Workshop, our next comprehension strategy is asking questions while reading. We are reading a book called Underground and the students are using their connections, background knowledge, and questions to try and figure out what the author is telling us. I am looking forward to seeing everyone at the Christmas Family Fun Night on December 10!

Grade 1 & 2 News

Hello Parents!

It always seems to sur- prise me how fast time flies. Hard to believe November has come and almost gone!

Here is what the Grade 1/2 class has been up to for the last little while! We continue to explore reading strategies during our Reader’s Workshop time. The grade 1s are really starting to develop some great strategies for independent reading. As well, our reading stamina is growing! In Math, the grade 1s are continuing their work with numbers to 20. They are also getting time to work on IXL computer math, as well as with Mrs. Martineau playing a variety of math games. The grade 2s continue their work with numbers to 100. In Science the grade 1s have been exploring the five senses with Mrs. Martineau, while the grade 2s and I continue experimenting with the motion of objects. Social Studies has found us exploring families and traditions and in Health we are exploring healthy relationships. Always lots going on in the Grade 1/2 class!

I would like to remind everyone that the cold weather has shown up and it appears to be sticking around! Please remember to send your child with proper outside attire, as we will not have indoor recesses unless the weather gets to be – 25 degrees with the wind chill. As always, feel free to contact me anytime about any questions or concerns you have by phone or email!

Stay warm!
Janet Adelman

Kindergarten & Grade 1 News

We are keeping busy in K/1. You should come in and check out our Hot Chocolate Shop. We should warn you in ad- vance that our prices are pretty steep ($6 for a hot chocolate? An extra $7 for whipped cream? Whoa!).

In Reader’s Workshop we continue to practice what it means to be a ‘good reader’. We practice things like: picking a good spot to read, picking books that suit us, being able to retell stories based on the pictures, etc.

In Writer’s Workshop we’re working on: printing, letters and letter sounds, journals (Gr.1), etc.

In Grade 1 Math we are working with numbers from 0-20. In K Math we’re beginning to work on numbers from 0-10.

Phys. Ed. has us busy practicing different movement skills around the gym. We’re still working on not running into others or walls!

As always, feel free to come in and see us any time. We love visitors!

~The K/1s & Mrs. Martineau