Grade 7 News

Report cards went out last week! Should you have any questions, comments or concerns, I would encourage you to contact us at the school. Overall, the Grade 7s are doing a great job of meeting curricular objectives! They are a hard working bunch!

Late last month, the Grade 7 class ventured out to Saskatoon for their team building field trip. The bowling teams and themes were wonderful! Swimming was an adventure! What a pleasure it was to take such a great group of young people into the city. We are interested in taking 2 more field trips this year: skiing at Table Mountain after Christmas and a year-end trip to Blue Mountain Outdoor Adventure Park in

June. In order to offset costs, we will be doing fundraising throughout the year. Please look for a note regarding fundraising to come home in the next few days.

Christmas is soon approaching! As part of becoming a good citizen and sharing the spirit of the season, Miss Andre has signed our class up to “Adopt a Family”. We will be fundraising to buy gifts and food for a family in need. If you would like to donate any items, we would be truly thankful for your generosity. This is not a requirement, but simply a request.

Academically, students are wrapping up their Hatchet novel study in ELA, beginning a unit on fractions in math, and wrapping up their unit on cooperation, conflict and interdependence in social studies. Science has the class exploring ecosystems, food chains, the carbon cycle and the water cycle.

Once again, please feel to contact us at the school if you have any questions or concerns

Grade 8 News

In Math 8.1 the students have just finished their unit on “Integers” and are beginning to look at Fractions, Decimals and Percents. While in Math 8.2, the students are finishing up square roots and the Pythagorean Theorem. 8.2 students will be starting integers in the next unit. In ELA 8.2 The class just finished The Outsiders novel study and will begin looking at the theme of, “Is it Fair? Justice for All?” This theme is the predecessor for our exploration of Jean Val Jean. Meanwhile, ELA 8.1 is doing short stories.

In Art we’re doing perspective drawings. The Science Boys just wrote an exam on light and reflection, while they have been working on light mazes.

Science Girls will be starting a project on the journey of water molecules around the world and through all three states of matter. In Health 8.2 we are working on “Sharpening the Saw’ which is one of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens. The Health 8.1class is studying gender stereotypes. In PE we have started a mini-unit of basketball skills and games leading up to Christmas. The Girls Social class just finished writing their unit exam on “Interactions and Interdependence of Nations”, and will begin to explore the theme of “Dynamic Relationships”. The boys Social class is studying about “Power and Authority”. In Home Ec. students are learning to sew on the sewing machines. They will be making pillows and pajama pants. Lastly, in IA they have started designing wood projects, such as mirrors.

Grade 9 News

My Grandmother used to say, “Life is pretty sweet when all of your dreams are coming true. Not the scary dreams though”. I was never really sure what she meant by that, but I think, right now, I’m beginning to understand. This Grade 9 bunch is an amazing group and together we are learning and experiencing some big things. For instance, in Math we continue to divide fractions, while Chemistry has been the order of the day in Science class. If that isn’t enough, Miss Fransoo and Mr. Kirk have us exploring Norse mythology in ELA. Mr. Woods has us making screen printing on T-shirts. It’s very fun.

Mr. Graham has started a home business selling his own brand of canned soup. He calls it Big Joe’s Soup Fantastico. Great name, but sales have been very slow to say the least. So, in Health class we’re helping him understand how to market a product to teenagers. We’re putting together some targeted advertising to help him move some product and make a little money. (Just pretending though)

In Social Studies, we somehow got onto the topic of Holodomor. If you don’t know what that is, you’re not alone. Most people have no idea about it. That is a shame. We plan to get the word out by the end of the month. Everybody needs to know. Please ask any of us about it. We will be conducting an Holodomor awareness project at the end of the month. Pay attention.

205 days until the canoe trip. The Grade 9’s

Grade 10 News

The grade 10’s are so excited for the snow to arrive! Ok, maybe excited is the wrong word, but there are definitely some strong emotions. The snow is making it easier to focus on their studies, though. For instance, in English, they’re studying Challenges. Workplace Math 10 has them doing unit conversions for temperature and mass. Wildlife Management is currently focused on wilderness survival, trapping and hunting. The kids are having tons of fun in Wellness playing Basketball. Next week’s meal in Commercial Cooking is Lasagna. In IA, they’re still focused on cabinetmaking. And in science, they’ve just started Chemistry!

Have a great November!

Grade 12 News

Well, the year is already flying by with volleyball and football wrapped up for the season! In English, we have been busy working on the history of First Nations people in Canada, and how Canada came to be. Chemistry has been a busy class filled with many different concepts, such as thermodynamics, equilibrium, and reaction rates. In Pre-Calculus, we have been working on understanding trig identities, and the Workplace 30 class has been learning about geometry. The IA class has been working very hard on perfecting their individual projects; they all look amazing! The Home Economics class has been spending their time working on knitting, crocheting, and sewing for their individual projects; they are coming together quite nicely. The first round of Work Ed is coming up soon; we wish all the grade 12’s a great experience with possible careers in their future. Good luck!


Grade 11 News

Well, the year is already flying by with volleyball and football wrapped up for the season! In English, we have been busy working on the history of First Nations people in Canada, and how Canada came to be. Chemistry has been a busy class filled with many different concepts, such as thermodynamics, equilibrium, and reaction

rates. In Pre-Calculus, we have been working on understanding trig identities, and the Workplace 30 class has been learning about geometry. The IA class has been working very hard on perfecting their individual projects; they all look amazing! The Home Economics class has been spending their

time working on knitting, crocheting, and sewing for their individual projects; they are coming together quite nicely. The first round of Work Ed is coming up soon; we wish all the grade 12’s a great experience with possible careers in their future. Good luck!

Grade 11 News

The year is off in full swing and we are busier than ever. In English/History we are studying the start of WWI. In Physics, we are have just begun the Waves Unit, and studying the properties of waves. In Health Science, are learning about different body systems with our focus being on the skeletal and muscular system. In Phys. Ed., we are going outside to play games, as long as the weather holds. The grade 11’s are also working on personal fitness in the weight room and using online activities. Finally, the class is just finishing their first volunteer assignment and is looking for volunteer opportunities so that they can provide 5 hours of service each to the community during this term. Lastly in robotics we are building and testing circuits.


Grade 12 News

The Grade 12 class has been reading Three Day Road in ELA/ Social Studies, which incorporates both First Nations culture and Canadian history.. We are finishing off the first unit in Pre-Calculus, in which encompasses all three of the first chapters. In Chemistry, we are studying thermodynamics, as well as applying it to some cool heat related labs. In Home Ec, the photography and budgeting units have been wrapped up and we are all excited for our personal projects, as well as some Halloween themed events. This, our final year, has been a blast thus far.

We’re all very excited for what else this academic year has to offer. – Anita


Grade 10 News

Well, the grade 10’s are one month in and lamenting all those lost summer days! Or they would be if they had a spare moment, anyway. In Cabinet Making, they’re already done their frames and are working on Crowns and kickboards. Commercial Cooking has already seen a few fine meals served to staff and students, and the kids have completed the Food Handlers Course as well as going on field trips to Earls and City Hospital. In Math, there was a collective groan as they found out how many deductions would be coming off of their paychecks (we’re doing financial math) when they’re employed full time. In Wellness, the focus has been on Personal Fitness for Life. In ELA, the earnest youngsters have been doing a bunch of creative writing and examining the mysteries of the unknown, like where the second sock goes when only one comes out of the dryer… Freaky. In science, they’ve just finished a major project on Ecological Sustainability and have been talking about population dynamics. And finally, in Driver’s Ed, they’re scaring us all. Have a great month!


Grade 7 News

October has begun and already it seems to be flying by! Students have begun studying Hatchet in ELA, continue to study Patterns and Relations in math, and in social they are exploring the theme of Cooperation and Interdependence. Interim reports were sent home on Thursday, October 10th. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s academic progress please feel free to contact the school to set up an appointment for Tri-Conferences.

On October 29, the Grade 7’s will be venturing out on their first field trip. We will be travelling to Saskatoon for bowling and swimming. We will be doing a bake sale as a fundraiser in the next week or so. Please watch for more information to be sent home in the near future! As always, please feel free to touch base with me if you have any concerns.