Grade 4-6

I can’t believe we are half way through November. We are busy working on a messages unit in ELA. We have learned a bit of sign language, a bit of Braille and have been working on listening skills. We are about to wrap up our Solar System unit. We will have a short quiz at the end. The students continue to work on math concepts. It is very important that the grade 6’s are practicing their multiplication facts so they know them. Ms. Bishop Moisan

Grade 7

November has met us with beautiful weather and finally some sun! The class has been busy working through equations in math, a novel study (Dust) in English, exploring interdependence in social and will be beginning a unit on mixtures and solutions in science. Wow! These kids are busy! I would like to thank all the parents and students who came out to tri-conferences and would like to remind parents/ guardians that report cards will be coming out shortly. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s progress, please feel free to contact me at the school. Also, I would like to encourage parents to access their child’s PowerSchool account to review assignments and progress. Christmas dinner forms will be going out this week. Please take a moment to review them. In closing, I would like to thank all the students and families for their efforts to make this a great year.

Grade 8

It has been another busy month for the grade 8 class. In Math, we finished our unit on integers and are currently refreshing fraction basics and conversions. In ELA, the class has wrapped up their novel study on The Outsiders. We are now moving on to a look at the theme of “Social Justice”. We are busy learning about the sewing machines in Home Ec. and designing and building paddles in Industrial Arts. In Career Ed, we are doing a series of small research assignments on workers rights, protections, and safety (WCB, LSA, OH&S). In PE, we have finished our fitness testing, fall games, and volleyball units. We have now started a basketball skills unit. In Science, we just finished a unit on cells and body tissues and in Social Studies we are starting a unit on the land and history of Canada . We are looking forward to what the rest of November has in store for us!

Grade 9

The Grade 9 class has continued to be busy throughout the month November. They have wrapped up their Challenges of Life unit in English and have made the transition into Norse and Indigenous Myths, where they are currently working to build their own unique mythological worlds. In Social Studies, they have just finished up Culture and Multiculturalism and will be moving on to Canada’s Land and History after the long weekend. Math has the students learning all about Rational Numbers and Science has them focused on Elements and Atoms. They are at the transition point in IA, where they switch between Welding and Small Engines and they are working their way through a Dairy Unit in Home Ec. They have been hard at work on their Remembrance Day posters in Art class and are about to start a Basketball Unit in Phys. Ed. That’s all for the Grade 9 class and the month of November!

Grade 10

Well, it’s been a busy month for the grade 10’s. Between football and volleyball winding up, and basketball soon to get underway, there’s been plenty going on with extra -curricular activities. They’ve also completed their final exam for Driver’s Ed (be very afraid) and made cookies for the Remembrance Day Ceremony in Home Ec. In IA, they continue to work on their projects. In ELA, they’ve completed their historical persona essays and are now starting a multimedia project on Challenges. The Periodic Table has been the focus in Science. In Math, they’ve been working on converting between imperial and metric units of measure. And finally, in Wellness they’ve been playing volleyball.

Grade 11

Looks like we spoke too soon about winter! I’m sure we’ll be paying later for this warm weather we’ve been having but we’ll still take it for now. The grade 11s have had a busy November. The first couple of weeks were consumed with preparation for our Remembrance Day service, which all culminated on the 10th. The grade 11s pulled off an amazing, emotional, and well-organized ceremony. It was commended by students, staff, and veterans alike. They should be proud of the work they did. To celebrate their hard work and success, we will be having a movie party on the afternoon of the 18th . Now that the Remembrance Day service is over, the History/English 20 classes will be transitioning out of World War One, and into the interwar period, including the Russian Revolution. The Physical Science 20 class will be finishing up their unit on Reflection and Refraction and moving on to the unit on Chemistry. Environmental Science 20 will continue working on their unit on Aquatic Ecosystems, and will soon be shifting towards a unit on Terrestrial Ecosystems. The Physical Education 20 class has finished their section on volleyball, and will now be starting basketball, in conjunction with the start of the basketball season. Robotics 20 is continuing to work on their year-long robot project. They now have their robots driving around and making beeping noises at each other. In Psychology 20, the students are learning and writing essays about topics such as emotions and motivation. The Foundations 20 class has been hard at work graphing bell curves. The Health Science 20 class is continuing their journey through the body, with the most recent stop being the endocrine system.

Grade 12

Greetings from the Grade 12 Homeroom! Can you believe we are halfway through semester one? Neither can the grade 12s. They continue to be busy as they have assignments due and unit exams to prepare for. The Social Studies 30 class has recently finished a unit study on responsible government and the causes of Canadian Confederation. The students have just begun studying the era of western settlement. In ELA 30, the students have been reading, annotating, and responding to a variety of Canadian poetry. The students will begin an independent novel study later this month. The Chemistry 30 class is studying dynamic equilibrium and Le Chateller’s Principle. The grade 12s will also be embarking on their first week of the Work Experience 30 course on December 5th. By now, they should have made contact with their employer and set up an interview time. That’s the latest from the Grade 12 Homeroom. Have a fantastic month!

Grade 1-2

The grade 1/2’s have had lots of changes this month. The biggest change being that Mrs. Romanchuk going on maternity leave 2 weeks early, and Mrs. Moskalyk starting. We are settling in as a class together quite well. Both the grade 1’s and 2’s finished up their Math units on Patterns. In Language Arts we are starting up our Spelling programs, and continuing to perfect letter formation and writing paragraphs. In Science we continue to learn about the ‘Growth and Changes in Animals, and we look forward to learning all about Our Community in our upcoming Social Studies unit. We are all so excited for Halloween this month! -Mrs. Moskalyk

Grade 3

This month the grade 3’s are learning all about inquiry. We have discussed that we carry background knowledge with us, and that we need to ask deep questions in order to do quality research and gain information. By the end of the month, the grade 3’s will be ready to start their first Genius Hour projects! We have continued our soil study and have done a ton of fun hands-on activities. We investigated worms and learned how important insects and animals are for soil. We are also learning about soil erosion and the ways to protect Earth’s soils. This month Mrs. Koroll has given the grade 3’s a variety of geography challenges, where students must use their determination and group work skills to work together and solve. The 3’s have done great so far! In math, we have continued learning about numbers with Mrs. McCubbing and patterning with Mrs. Koroll. Soon we will be moving on to Measurement! This month in phys. Ed, we will begin to learn and practice dance and gymnastics along with the continuation of cooperative games. We are still creating beautiful fall art. We have used pastels, watercolour paints, and acrylic paints for a variety of art pieces. Since it seems as though winter is here to stay, we may have to soon move on to winter themed art projects! Stay warm everyone! Mrs. Koroll, Mrs. McCubbing & The Grade 3’s

Grade 4-6

The grade 4,5,6 class is very busy working on many items. We are almost finished the book, Pay it Forward. This has spurred some very good class discussions and I have read some very good responses. We have started a new unit about messages and how we communicate. We are almost finished our unit about the Solar System. We will be having a short quiz closer to the end of the unit. Ms. Bishop Moisan and the grade 4,5,6 class