Grade 9 News

2012. What a year it’s been so far! We all expected that 2011 would go down as the greatest and best year of our lives, but only three weeks into this new year and that theory is out the window. Our classes have kept us busy for certain. Astronomy, Polynomials, Fitness tests, small engine repair, pyjama sewing, plasticine art, cultural studies… if we were Cub Scouts, our sashes would be full. We’ve also started an amazing book in ELA called The Sunflower, by Simon Wiesenthal. It’s a true story about a prisoner in a concentration camp who encounters a dying Nazi soldier. It’s a book that should be read by everyone.

If you good readers remember, in December the grade nine class conducted some fundraisers through which we hoped to raise some money for various World Vision projects. We were able to raise $500 and we hope that that money will help make a big difference for someone, somewhere. Thanks to all who chipped in.

Grade 8 News

In Social Studies we have completed a Major Research Project on various countries of the world. This will lead into a power Point presentation which is due Jan 19. In Physical Education we are doing our Term 2 Fitness Testing, wrapping up some final basketball skills and planning on going to the rink/ curling rink for some winter fun! (If the weather cooperates) While in English we are working on expository writing. In Math we are working through ratio and proportion. In Science we are completing a Unit on Water Systems on Earth. There will be a major unit exam on this Science Unit around Jan. 25. Finally, in Industrial Arts, we are rushing to finish our woods projects. In Home Ec. we have started working on pj pants, while in Art class we just finished a stained glass project are moving onto frescos paintings.


Grade 7 News

After a very mild introduction to winter, it looks like things could remain chilly for the next week or two. However, things are still warm and cozy in the Grade 7 classroom! We are beginning to look at a thematic unit in ELA: Challenges. We will discuss, explore and delve into challenges literary characters are faced with, as well as reflect upon our own. We are currently studying decimal fractions in math. Social has us investigating Russia, and in Science, we will be experimenting with some mixtures and solutions.

January 27th is our scheduled ski day at Table Mountain. Look for a note to come home in the next day or two which will outline our day. We will be looking for several parent volunteers to join us on our adventure. If you are interested, please give me a call at the school. The class participated in a Prairie Meats fundraiser last week. All orders will be ready for pick up at the school on January 19 at noon. Please ensure you have made arrangements to have your child’s orders picked up at this time. Thanks to everyone who worked so hard to make it a success. Finally, I look forward to wrapping up our first semester! Report cards will be out shortly. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me and we can make arrangements to meet. Thanks to all the parents and families for their support and positive contributions thus far. 2012 is shaping up to be a great


Grade 6 News

It’s been a busy month for the Grade 6 classroom. We have finished Animal Classification in Science and have moved on to Flight. In Math we are beginning to look at decimals, and in art we are working on origami. Outside of academics we cheered loudly as a class at the Senior Boys Basketball tournament on January 13th. On January 17th we are having a class potluck for lunch. 2012 is looking like an exciting time for Grade 6!

Grade 4 & 5 News

Well it has proven to be difficult to get back to the grind after the Christmas Holidays! We are finally back on track and keeping very busy! The class decided they wanted to learn about the Titanic for a few weeks before starting our Canadian Provinces and Territories Unit. This Titanic mini unit has really caught the interest of the entire class, and we have been learning tons of interesting information! On April 15, 2012, it will be the 100th anniversary since the sinking of the Titanic so the students are taking a special inter- est in the history. We are kept busy with a visit from the Science Center on the 17th and an upcoming Grade 5 class trip (information will be sent out at a later date)! Looks like the cold winter weather is right around the corner…

Ms. Angela Rancourt

Grade 2 & 3 News

Since we’ve only been back at school for a couple of weeks, there isn’t much new from the last newsletter update. The grade two’s have finished their math unit on adding and subtracting to eighteen and have begun their next unit on measurement. The grade three’s are also completing their unit on adding and subtracting with Mr. Woods-Fehr. In social studies, we are finally nearing the end of our communities unit and will have a quiz near the end of next week. I hope to sneak in a mini unit on needs and wants before the Winter break next month. We have also been quite en- gaged in science learning about all of the different groups and classifications of animals. In health class, we are shifting from the topic of bullying to what makes a good friend. During ELA, we have been reading several short stories working on different reading strategies such as making connections, visualizing, inferring, learning new vocabulary, comprehension, and working on our fluency and expression as we read. We have also spent a fair amount of time learning how to organize our thoughts and ideas as we write.

Kindergarten & Grade 1 News

Happy New Year! The K/1 class is back into the swing of things in 2012! The Kindergarten stu- dents are exploring number books in Reader’s Workshop and are learning how to write num- bers between 0 and 9. In Math, the K students are learning to understand that a number can be a symbol, a word and a picture. If you would like to do some extra work at home, practice counting forwards and back- wards from 0 to 20 and identifying numbers from 0 to 20. The Kindergarten Cafe, the lentil table and typing on the computer have been very popular during Play Time. Thank you to Chris and Adrienne Harder for donating the lentils! The Grade 1s are working on addition and subtraction up to 20. We have been practicing our doubles facts (i.e. 2 + 2, 5 + 5) and have been completing lots of addition and subtraction word problems. When reading word problems, students look for the information given and figure out what needs to be solved before trying to figure out the answer. We start- ed problem solving as an entire group and then in partners. Just last week, students started to do this process individually. Soon the Grade 1 students will begin a research project in Science. They will get to choose their own topic. More information will be sent home about this later. On February 13 the K/1 class will be going on a field trip to Saskatoon. We will be going to the Forestry Farm to explore the adaptations animals make during the winter time. I’ve heard that winter is the most exciting time to visit the Forestry Farm because the animals are very active in the cold! More information about this day will be sent home soon. Please note on your calendars that Jump Rope for Heart as been postponed until February 3. Also, the K/1 class will be having a Valentine’s Day potluck and we will need families to send food. A note will be sent home at the beginning of February. I hope this snow sticks around long enough for some snow forts and snowmen!

From The Office

The end of January marks the halfway point of the school year, and with it brings a semester end as well as Semester exams running the week of January 24th to 27th. Senior students, please note the exam schedule so you are prepared for your final evaluations. This is a reminder that there will be no school on January 30th while teachers prepare for semester 2 that starts January 31st.

As I discussed in December’s newsletter, there will be an opportunity for Grade 12 students to take Career Work Experience A30 in semester two again this year but we will be run- ning the program in a different format. Stu- dents will take the course in two separate 5 day weeks, March 5-9 and May 7-11, ensuring a more realistic experience at the jobsite. It is important to receive this credit that the students do not miss one of those days, and will need to arrange another day to complete it if missed. Students will be responsible to arrange their travel to the work placement. Give me a call if you have some questions I can answer.

The Grades K-7 took part in some hands on Science projects when some students from the Saskatchewan Science Center visited Hanley School on January 17th. They always do a great job to involve students and get them interested in Science. A couple of players from the Saskatoon Blades will be out on January 24th to see the Grades 6-9 students as part of a program they call Project Face-Off, aimed at educating kids about the effects and consequences of substance abuse. January 27th will see the Grade 7 students heading to Table Mountain for a day of skiing.

Both the curling and basketball season’s are underway with the Senior Boys Basketball host- ing their home tourna- ment last weekend, and the Junior Girls Basketball hosting the weekend of January 21. Hanley will be hosting Senior Curling Conferences February 10th-11th.

On an informational note about the school building, we have installed sixty new lockers in the middle years hall- way and we were able to have seven new data projectors installed in the classrooms, connecting them to the classroom computer for extra resource possibilities for teachers. We’re hoping to make some changes to the gym sound system this school year as well, but the cost for those improvements may be more than we can budget for in the remainder of this year.

As always, drop in to see Mr. Anderson and me sometime. We’d love to say Hi. Take care and I’ll talk to you soon.

Mr. Chris Tucker Principal

Final Exams

Tuesday, January 24 9:00

  • ELA A30/SocSt 30
  • PreCalc 20/WKPL 20
  • Science 10(g)
  • History 10(b)

Wednesday, January 25 9:00

  • Chemistry 30
  • ELA 20
  • WKPL 10

Thursday, Janary 26

  • Math C30
  • Biology 20
  • ELA A10

Friday, January 27

  • Physics 20
  • Life Trans 30
  • Students may have 2 1⁄2 hours to write each exam.
  • Return all textbooks/school materials on the day of the examination.
  • Students must write for a minimum of one hour.
  • There are assigned study hall rooms for grades 10 to 12.
  • Students need to clean out their lockers and return all library books.
  • The first day of classes for the second semester will be Tuesday, January 31, 2012

From the Office

We’ve had the luxury of very little snow to deal with this winter, but I’m finding it strange to get ready for the break with- out some more of the white stuff on the ground.

Students and staff alike are looking forward to the break starting next week on December 22nd following the festivities of Christmas Dinner on December 21st. Classes resume on January 3rd this year and senior students will be spending some serious weeks preparing for the Semester 1 exams the week of Janu- ary 23rd-27th. There will be no school on January 30th while teachers prepare for semester 2 that starts January 31st.

There will be an opportunity for Grade 12 stu- dents to take Career Work Experience A30 in semester two again this year but we will be running the program in a different approach. Students will take the course in two separate 5 day weeks, ensuring a more realistic experience at the jobsite. More information will be sent home in January but give me a call if you have some questions I can answer.

I want to take a moment to tell you how proud we have been of the four interns in our school this fall and wish them our best as they return to university after the break. Hanley School was very fortunate to have four quality people to share our students with and we know that they will have a great career at teaching. Good luck to Mrs Kinzell, Ms Rugg, Ms Clark and Mr Cavanaugh and thank- you on behalf of the staff and students for your efforts, hard work, humour, participation and planning in our school and its events this semester.

If you were unable to attend the Christmas Concert this week you missed a great perfor- mance by the K-6 stu- dents. Congratulations students on your work to prepare and to the teach- ers and all staff and stu- dent helpers who con- tributed to getting them ready for the big night. You did a wonderful job!

On a personal note, I would like to wish you and your family a safe Happy Holidays and a very Merry Christmas. As always, drop in to see Mr Anderson and me some- time. We’d love to say Hi. Take care and I’ll talk to you soon.

Mr. Chris Tucker