Announcements – March 22

  • Today is Day 1
  • Spare change for Ukraine continues this week. Just in one day Osler School collected $1277 for the Red Cross! Well done Osler School! Continue to bring in your spare change to help your class win a donut party! Right now, the grade 4 class is in the lead, followed by the grade 7 and grade 6/7 classes.
  • Grade 5/6 Noon Hour Basketball Club this week – Girls on Wednesday and Boys on Friday.
  • Congrats to our badminton team who travelled to Hague yesterday. Practice again on Wednesday.
  • Take your sleds home!
  • Fun Facts for today: Hudson (5C) says the barbie dolls full name is Barbra Millicent Roberts. Catherine (9PK) says cheese is the most shoplifted food in the world.
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