Welcome Back – we’ve missed you! Our welcome assembly is at 11:20 in the gym.
Grades 4-9 are invited to sign up for Cross Country. Sign up sheets are in the hallway beside your classrooms. Practices will be at noon and the first practice is Tuesday, September 6 – meet in the gym at 6:15.
Grade 7-9 girls and boys volleyball sign up sheets outside the Grade 9 room.
Interested in being a part of the Grade 7-9 SLC? Sign up sheets are in the hall.
Any Grade 9 students interested in joining the Announcement Team please see Mrs. Pavloff.
Bike Reminders – please park all bikes in the racks and no riding bikes on school sidewalks.
School fees can be paid by cash or cheque made out to Osler School – please drop off at the office.