
Students are required to attend school on a regular basis.  Regular and punctual attendance is critical for a student to have a successful school experience.  We ask parents to contact the school whenever a student will be absent. In those cases where we do not receive a phone call, the school administrative assistant will attempt to contact the home to determine the reason for the absence. The school has an answering machine so messages can be left in the evening or early morning.

We understand that the flexibility in booking appointments with doctors, dentists, etc. is often limited, but we encourage parents to make these appointments outside of regular instructional days and hours.

It is the responsibility of students who are late to report to the office upon arrival to change their absence to a late. Parents will be contacted by the classroom teacher and/or the principal if school absences or lates are interfering with a child’s opportunity to learn. In the event of an excessive number of unexcused absences from school, the school division attendance officer will be notified.