There are 3 days of school left! Its the last Friday of the school day!
We hope the Grade 9 students have a great day of bowling and games at Ruckers as the school prepares for commencement tonight! We also hope the Grade 9’s have a fantastic and memorable evening!
Awards Ceremony will be on Monday at 10:15 am. Families are welcome to attend!
The Grade 8 Business Fair is open today 11:10 – 12:15. There are many products available ranging in price from .05-$2. We look forward to serving yo today!
BBQ orders are due tomorrow!!
Today is National Indigenous Day. Please see the Flag of Reconciliation hanging with the Canadian FLag today.
Forms to enter bikes and floats in the Canada Day Parade are available at the office!
We hope the Grade 1 classes have fun on their field trip to Independent Grocers, U of S Geology Museum, and Kinsmen Park!
The Kindergarten classes are at he zoo and Kinsmen Park! Have a great day!
Grade 8 Business Fair is tomorrow morning! Bring some money to support the Grade 8 businesses. There are many products available from candy to baking to slime! Prices range from $0.05 to $2. We look forward to serving you tomorrow!
Year End BBQ order forms are being sent out today. Order forms are due on Friday. Best hamburgers & hot dogs in town! Tell your family, friends, and neighbours.
5 days of school left! It’s the second last Wednesday of the year.
Milk & juice is done for the year. Thanks for buying!