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- Today is day 3!
- Bike Rodeo today! Have fun and be safe! There is an assembly at 11:30.
- Thank you to all the students and parents who helped with the bottle drive yesterday. It looks like it was a great success.
- SLC, please return forms and money to Mrs. Lane.
- Grade 7-9 Bottle Drive today after school. Students please stay in your classrooms until you are called.
- There is milk and juice available today.
- SLC meeting at first recess in Mrs. Lane’s room.
- Grade 6-9 students can enter a door prize draw at tomorrow’s bike safety assembly. Grand prize is a gift certificate from Atlas Outdoors in Warman.
- Today is day 1!
- SLC meeting tomorrow morning.
- No milk or juice today, it should be available tomorrow.
- Grade 7-9 athletes are in Dalmeny for track and field today.
- Grade 7-9 bottle drive is tomorrow!
- Bike Rodeo is on Thursday.