Friday, February 8, 2019

  • Keep selling oranges and grapefruit! Orders are due next Wednesday.
  • Grade 5/6 boys and girls basketball teams play in Hague on Monday. Pack a lunch! They’ll be leaving at 10:50. Boys play first at 11:15.
  • Good luck to both the boys and girls grade 8/9  basketball teams who have advanced to the division finals being held tomorrow in Clavet and Warman. Play hard and represent Osler School well. We are proud of you!
  • It’s Jersey Day! Thanks to everyone who dressed up. Next dress up day is Tuesday – Western Day!
  • Grade 7-9 candy bag pre selling is at recess and noon today and Monday.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

  • The girls Grade 8/9 basketball won a thrilling playoff game last night against Hepburn. The girls played hard all game and never gave up, coming back to win 42-37. The girls now advance to the division finals this Saturday. They are among the top 4 A teams in our school division. Congratulations ladies and good luck this weekend.
  • Grade 5/6 boys basketball tournament tomorrow – if buses are running. Good luck!
  • Boys basketball ‘B’ team host Delisle in a playoff game after school today.
  • Division II intramurals today. Barons vs. Knights.
  • Grade 5/6 girls basketball practice tonight at 6:30 – 8:00.
  • MennoCup at 12:15 – if there are enough players.
  • Grade 7-9 SLC is pre selling candy bags today at first recess and at noon.

Wednesday, February 6

  • Grade 5/6 Basketball practice tomorrow (Thursday) evening at 6:30-8:00.
  • Grade 5/6 Basketball Mini Tournament @ VCA (girls) and Osler (boys) 11:15-2:30 on Friday, Feb. 8th.
  • An LG phone was turned into the office.  If you are missing a phone, please come to the office to claim it.
  • It’s cold outside and it’s fake Injury Day! Next spirit day is Friday. Dress in your favorite Jersey or wear Osler School clothing or Osler School colors (blue, gold, white!)
  • No Menno Cup today
  • Gr. 7-9 Intramural’s at 12:30
  • No milk today, juice is available. There is still a milk prize for Maycee in Gr.2 . Please come to the office.