School Announcements for Friday October 27th

  • A “great job” goes out to the Boy’s Volleyball Team who have shown tremendous improvement this season. Good luck in the playoffs on Monday!
  • SLC meeting 1st recess in Mrs. Lane’s room.
  • Gr. 7-9 sign up outside Mrs. Lane’s room if you are interested in singing for Remembrance Day Program.
  • Congratulations to the Jr. Girls Volleyball Team for winning their matches yesterday Good luck in the playoffs on Monday!
  • Jr. Girls volleyball brief meeting at noon today by the grade 9 room.

School Announcements for Thursday, October 26th

  • Support the Riders and wear Green & White on Friday!
  • SLC Meeting at recess tomorrow morning
  • Boys Volleyball meeting at 1st recess today in Mrs. Lane’s room
  • Girls Volleyball team hosts Hanley and Constable Robin Cameron today after school. Good luck ladies!