LIVE Arts Saskatchewan Broadcast

 Our school has the privilege of hosting LIVE Arts Saskatchewan. They will be doing live broadcasting from our library with many of our students participating.
The live broadcast is only available to be viewed by other schools but you can check out updates on their Facebook page: LIVE Arts Saskatchewan. Click on the link below to find them!!

School Announcements for Tuesday, October 17th

  • Boys Volleyball practice after school today. Game tomorrow at Osler
  • Toonie for Terry Fox Hat Day this Friday. Bring a toonie and you may wear a hat in school on Friday.
  • Any late Subway forms must come to the office immediately after announcements

School Announcements for Monday, October 16th

  • Congratulations to the Girls 4-6 Soccer team on a season filled with much learning and growing. You all improved so much during the season! You should be proud of your effort!
  • Another HUGE congratulations goes out to Levi B. and Adam W. who competed in X-Country provincials this past weekend in Turtleford. The boys represented Osler School so very well and we are incredibly proud of both of them. Congratulations boys!
  • Study Hall is in Mr. Lewchuk’s room today.
  • Friday is Toonie for Terry Fox Hat Day. Bring a toonie and you may wear a hat on Friday.
  • Jr. Girls Volleyball – we leave after school for Hague. Congratulations to the 7/8 team on a well-played tournament in Warman on Saturday.