- Grades 4-6 Girls Soccer
- Practice Thursday at lunch. We will begin at 12:35 out in the inner track field. Come dressed, with shin pads on, ready to go.
- Cross Country
- Practice today at 12:20. Please meet in the gym. Remember to have a good snack at recess.
- Boys Volleyball
- Practice today after school until 5:00 p.m. Let Mrs. Lane know if you can’t make it.
- Girls Volleyball
- Practice Thursday after school until 5:00 p.m. Let Mr. C know if you can’t make it.
- Sign up sheet outside Grade 8 room. First meeting – Friday at lunch
- Milk and Juice
- Will be available starting Monday.
NEW STUDENT REGISTRATION – Wednesday, August 30th
If you are new to Osler and need to register your children in our school, please stop by the school office between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm on Wednesday, August 30th.