Girls 7-9 basketball teams lost 2 close games to VCA yesterday – excellent effort ladies! We will play in the VCA tournament this weekend. Good luck Monarchs!
Boys 7-9 Basketball practice tomorrow morning 7:30 am.
Girls 5/6 Basketball practice Monday morning 7:30 am.
Boys 5/6 Basketball practice today after school.
Track relay practice 12:30 today in the gym.
Book Exchange today 3:30 – 7:00 pm in the library!
Spirit Day tomorrow – Beach/Hawaiian Day. Dress up in your warm weather wear!
Hotdog/Burger lunch tomorrow for those who ordered.
Our citrus fundraiser is on! Please help us out by selling to your families and friends. Orders due next Friday, February 10.
Congratulations to the jr girls basketball teams who played two excellent games yesterday after school. The grade 8/9 team had a convincing win against martensville high school and the grade 7/8 lost a tough game to Asquith. Both teams showed tremendous improvements as the games went on and your coaches are so proud of you!
Quick meeting for 7/8 girls basketball players in Mrs. Milnthorp’s room at first recess – grade 9 players do not need to attend.
Spirit Day tomorrow – Ugly Sweater/Christmas Sweater Day.