Announcements – Thursday, February 2

  • Girls 7-9 basketball teams lost 2 close games to VCA yesterday – excellent effort ladies! We will play in the VCA tournament this weekend. Good luck Monarchs!
  • Boys 7-9 Basketball practice tomorrow morning 7:30 am.
  • Girls 5/6 Basketball practice Monday morning 7:30 am.
  • Boys 5/6 Basketball practice today after school.
  • Track relay practice 12:30 today in the gym.
  • Book Exchange today 3:30 – 7:00 pm in the library!
  • Spirit Day tomorrow – Beach/Hawaiian Day. Dress up in your warm weather wear!
  • Hotdog/Burger lunch tomorrow for those who ordered.
  • Our citrus fundraiser is on! Please help us out by selling to your families and friends. Orders due next Friday, February 10.

Announcements – Thursday, December 15

  • Congratulations to the jr girls basketball teams who played two excellent games yesterday after school. The grade 8/9 team had a convincing win against martensville high school and the grade 7/8 lost a tough game to Asquith. Both teams showed tremendous improvements as the games went on and your coaches are so proud of you!
  • Quick meeting for 7/8 girls basketball players in Mrs. Milnthorp’s room at first recess – grade 9 players do not need to attend.
  • Spirit Day tomorrow – Ugly Sweater/Christmas Sweater Day.