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- Good luck to the Gr 5/6 basketball teams who are off to Rosthern for a tournament today.
- Good luck to our badminton team as they are off to Martensville today.
- Buy a milk pick a prize is still on for the rest of the week
- SLC meeting today at 12:15
- SLC meeting tomorrow at 12:15pm
- Intramurals today for grade 7&8
- Oranges are here!
- Buy a milk, pick a prize on all week!
- Oranges arrive today. Pick up times are 330-630pm tonight and 330-530 tomorrow. Please make sure you have called your customers to pick up.
- Buy a milk, pick a prize! Milk giveaways all week.
- SLC meeting Thursday at noon.
- Grade 9 WHS information night tomorrow at the WHS at 7pm.