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Short SLC Meeting today – 12:15 in the library
Congrats to the Grade 8/9 Boys Volleyball players who played some excellent games Saturday in Hepburn. Well done!
Grade 7- 9 Boys Volleyball practice tomorrow after school.
Grade 7 Boys Volleyball – game today in Rosthern – please meet at Mrs. Lane’s room at 3:00.
Congrats to the Jr. Girls Volleyball team who had an excellent tournament in Warman on Saturday.
Jr. Girls Volleyball practice after school today.
Division 2 Intramurals today at 12:30
Grade 7 Girls Volleyball team played in Hague yesterday.
We have a tournament in Warman tomorrow – first game at 9:00 a.m . – GO MONARCHS!
Grade 8/9 Girls Volleyball team please meet with Mr. C. for a quick meeting at lunch today in the foyer.
Grade 7 Boys Volleyball lost a a close match to Hague yesterday. Great effort!
Grade 8/9 Boys Volleyball please meet right after announcements by Mrs. Lane’s room.
SLC Meeting – Monday at lunch
Division 2 Boys Soccer team – there will be a practice today at lunch. Meet on the inside of the track at 12:15. Congratulations on your win this week. The team moves on to the finals!!
Congrats to the Grade 8/9 Boys Volleyball Team who won a very close match against VCA yesterday! Well done!
Grade 7-9 Intramurals today 12:25.
SLC Meeting – Monday at lunch.
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