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- Girls Gr. 7-9 Basketball practice Tuesday and Thursday morning at 7:15 a.m.
- Boys Gr. 8-9 Basketball practice today after school. Next practice is Thursday after school
- Boys Gr. 7-8 Basketball practice Wednesday and Friday morning
- Girls 7-9 Basketball practices – next week Tuesday and Thursday morning at 7:15 a.m.
- Boys Gr. 8&9 Basketball practices – next week Monday and Thursday after school
- Boys Gr. 7&8 Basketball meeting – 1st recess today
- Happy Green & White Day
- Please respect each other’s property. Use other people’s belongings like sleds and crazy carpets only when you have asked permission.
- Friday will be Green and White Day. Please wear your Rider Pride!
- Short Division 3 Boys Basketball meeting at first recess in Mr. L’s classroom.
- Girls 7-9 Basketball practice next week Tuesday & Thursday morning at 7:15 a.m.