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- Girls Basketball shooting practice today at lunch – meet in the gym at 12:30.
- Grade 7-9 Intramurals tomorrow.
- SLC mini-retreat today!
- Staff vs students volleyball game on Friday.
- Girls 7-9 Basketball shooting practice tomorrow at lunch – meet in the gym at 12:30.
- Boys 7-9 Basketball shooting practice after school today.
- Grade 7-9 Intramurals are Tuesday and Thursday this week.
- Girls Volleyball players please hand in your jerseys today!
- SLC mini-retreat on Wednesday.
- Holiday Hot Dog Lunch on December 1 – note going home today!
- Our Boys volleyball team completed their season at the Division Tournament in VCA on Saturday. Congratulations on a good season!
- Boys Basketball players – meet in Mr. Morris’ class at 12:11 and bring your lunch.
- Girls volleyball players please hand in your washed uniforms to Mrs. Baerg at first recess.
- Grade 7-9 Intramurals are Tuesday and Thursday this week.
- SLC mini-retreat on Wednesday – make sure to turn in your form and money in to Mrs. Lane or Mrs. Pavloff today.
- Girls Basketball players please meet in Mrs. Milnthorp’s classroom at lunch right after the bell for a short meeting.