School Announcements for Wednesday, May 3rd

  • Track and Field
    • Sprints/Hurdles/Jumps practice after school today
    • High Jump practice on Thursday (no throws practice)
    • Throws practice on Friday
  • No Senior Study Hall today
  • SLC Meeting at recess in Mrs. Lane’s room
  • If you haven’t returned your Jump Rope envelope, please see Mrs. Saunders this morning.

School Announcements for Tuesday, May 2nd

  • Throws practice after school – High Jump will hopefully start today
  • Great job goes out to the Grade 7 class who put on a great show at their Grade 7 Coffee House last night. Thanks for all your work in set up and take down. Thanks goes out to Mr. Lewchuk, Mrs. Bymoen, Ms. Kampen and Mrs. Hiebert for also helping out.