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- Today is day 2.
- Boys basketball A-team host Martensville after school. Come cheer them on.
- Exhibition boys basketball practice Wednesday morning at 7:10. Their next game in on Thursday.
- Menno Cup meeting for all players at first recess outside Mrs. Lane’s room. Game today at 12:10.
- Grade 7-9 intramurals today at 12:30.
- Today is day 1!
- DIvision II intramurals today: Archers vs. Knights!
- The boys basketball A team has practice after school. They host Martensville tomorrow.
- Milk 2 for 1 today for the first fifteen customers.
- Exhibition boys basketball team will practice Wednesday morning at 7:10. They play on Thursday.
- Today is day 6.
- A green lotto ticket holder containing gas receipts, lotto tickets and money was misplaced. Please turn into office, if found.
- Boys basketball A-team will practice after school on Monday. The host Martensville after school on Tuesday.
- Grade 7-9 intramurals today at 12:30.