School Announcements for Tuesday, November 9th

  • No Grade 7-9 Intramurals today as the gym will be set up for the Remembrance Day program.
  • Curling sign-up sheet is located by the gym.
  • Mrs. Lane’s grade 7-9 singers please go to her classroom right after announcements for a short meeting.
  • Teachers: Please gather all Remembrance Day crafts together. The grade 9’s will be around to collect them this morning.
  • Jr. Girls Basketball practice Wednesday at lunch. Meet in the gym at 12:15.
  • Division 3 Boys Basketball practice tomorrow after school

School Announcements for Monday, November 7th

  • Jr. Girls Basketball season begins tomorrow morning with a practice at 7:30 in the morning. We will have a brief meeting at recess in Mrs. Minthorp’s room.
  • Division 3 Boys Basketball practice after school today.
  • Curling Sign-up sheets are posted near the gym. Curling begins on November 23rd at the Martensville Curling Rink and will be Every Wednesday from 3:45-5:00. No experience or equipment are necessary. We will travel by bus. Please sign up this week. See Ms. Sorokan or Mr. Chorneyko if you have any questions.

School Announcements for Friday, November 4th

  • Division 2 Intramurals – Archers vs. Knights
  • Division 3 Boys Basketball sign up outside of Mr. Lewchuk’s classroom – first practice is MONDAY after school.
  • Good job goes out to the Grade 8/9 Boys Volleyball team who lost very close games to Hepburn yesterday in the second round of playoffs. Great season guys!
  • ALL volleyball players, please make sure your uniform is at school Monday to be turned in. They will be washed at school.
  • Grade 7-9 students singing for Remembrance Day, practice at recess in the computer lab.