Grade 8/9 students attending Resonate Music Conference should meet in the Grade 9 room at 1st recess.
Badminton practice tomorrow! Osler hosts a game on Thursday vs. WW Brown
Thank you to everyone for a successful, FUN jump off event on Friday. Thank you Grade 9’s for leading your groups for the afternoon and Grade 7 and 8 students for helping your groups at events. So far, our total is $8400! Please hand in your pledge envelopes to your teacher!
Hot lunch is tomorrow.
Drama practice today at 12:15 in the library for Prince, Renbock and the dwarves.
Ready, Set, JUMP! Today is our Jump Off! We hope you are ready for FUN! Our event will start at 1:05 p.m. in the gym. Please be sure to hand in your pledge collection envelope to your teacher this morning.
Our Jump Rope for Heart fundraising total is over $5000! Great job Osler School.
Bus students: Please remember to wait for your bus in front of the school.