Thursday, February 6, 2020

  • Today is day 1.
  • Please note: Contrary to the newsletter, Staff Appreciation Week is next week.
  • The girls 7-7 basketball team hosts Rosthern after school at 4:00. If they win, they advance to division finals on Saturday.
  • Grade 7-9 students, it’s the last day to order candy bags. Sellers are available at recess and lunch.
  • It’s western day! Tomorrow is wacky hair and PJ day.
  • Division II intramurals today! Barons vs. Crusaders.
  • Boys basketball A team plays in Rosthern today. Teachers please excuse players early, to change. Bus leaves at 3:00.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

  • Today is day 6.
  • The boys exhibition basketball team played against Chief Mistawasis last night in league playoffs. Congratulations on a season of hard work. Boys remember to bring uniforms to Ms. Kampen.
  • One School, One Author order forms are due tomorrow.
  • Tomorrow is western day, yeeehaw!
  • Keep selling oranges and grapefruit – forms are due Friday.
  • Pre-sale for Grade 7-9 Valentine’s Candy bags begins today. Buy a bag for a buck! Available at first recess and 12:10.
  • The grade 7-9 girls basketball team hosts Rosthern tomorrow at 4:00 p.m. Good luck Monarchs!

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

  • Today is day 5.
  • The boys A-team practice after school. They play in Rosthern on Thursday.
  • Tomorrow is Fake Injury day – keeps dressing up!
  • Keep selling Oranges and Grapefruit! Order forms are due this Friday.
  • Pre-sale for Grade 7-9 Valentine’s Candy bags begins today. Buy a bag for a buck! Available at first recess and 12:10.
  • Grade 7-9 beach ball dance party at 12:30, in the gym.