Wednesday, December 5, 2018

  • The grade 7 boys plated a great game against Venture Heights and easily won their game last night.
  • The Christmas Concert sign up sheets for grades 7-9 is outside of Mrs. Baerg’s room. Please make sure you sign up by lunch today. If you are not available on the night of the concert, please put your name in that column.
  • Please bring down your entry for the gratitude contest by Thursday.
  • Intramurals today for grade 7-9. Playoffs for Rubberball Baseball.
  • SLC meeting for grade 7-9 tomorrow at 12:15 in the library.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

  • Please rinse and take your chocolate milk cartons to Mrs. Saunders’ classroom. Thank you.
  • Congratulations to the grade 8/9 girls basketball team who won their game last night against Dalmeny 48-27. Great game ladies.
  • Boys basketball ‘B’ team game in Delisle tomorrow.
  • SLC meeting for grade 7 and 8 at first recess in the library.
  • SLC meeting for grade 9 at lunch in the library.

Monday, December 3, 2018

  • Please rinse and take your milk cartons to Mrs. Saunders’ classroom. Thank you!
  • Gift card orders should be sent down to the office immediately following announcements.
  • Girls grade 8/9 basketball game today after school in Dalmeny. Teachers, please dismiss players at 2:50 p.m.
  • Girls grade 8/9 basketball next practice is Tuesday morning at 7:15.
  • Boys basketball ‘B’ team practice at 4:30 today after school. Their next game is in Delisle on Thursday!