Home & School Partnership

Communication Protocol for Parents/Guardians

If students or parents have concerns or questions about an issue at school, please use the following protocol:

The classroom teacher is to be the first person to hear and address any concerns from a student or parent.

  • If the issue cannot be resolved with the teacher, the principal is to be contacted.
  • If the matter remains unresolved, the parent may request a meeting with the Superintendent, Mr. Kim Beaulieu.
  • The parent may also request a hearing with the Board of Education to further appeal the decision.


Newsletters are posted on the website on a monthly basis and are sent home electronically. Families with students in Kindergarten to Grade 3 will receive a hard copy of the newsletter.  If you require a hard copy, please contact the school office. Generally, these are sent out the first week of the month. Many classroom teachers also send home regular newsletters/emails about the activities specific to their classroom. 

Parent and Community Volunteers

Helping with the extracurricular program, working on the SCC, assisting in the library, helping in the classroom or supporting our love of good, healthy food are all ways parent and community volunteers enrich the lives of students. All volunteers are required to complete a criminal record and vulnerable sector search check. Once this check is submitted, it is kept on file for the duration of time your child attends our school. Volunteers are responsible to inform the principal if the status of their criminal record check changes.

When parents and community members volunteer we ask you remember the following guidelines:

  • You are a role model for our students and we ask that you follow and respect the rules and procedures of the school.
  • In the course of volunteer duties in the school, volunteers may have access to information that is personal or confidential in nature. This information is not to be communicated to anyone or disclosed in any manner or form other than for the sole purpose of fulfilling duties within the school context.
  • Volunteers are asked to arrange for childcare for their preschoolers when they are volunteering to work directly with students or in areas of the schools where preschoolers may distract students from the learning environment (ie in the classroom or library)
  • If a volunteer has a problem with a student, the issues should be directed to the student’s teacher.

If a volunteer has a concern with a staff member, they should talk to the staff member involved and then if necessary involve school administration.