Today is day 2 December Book Showcase: Fall Mixed Up – Karter 6MC Big Nate – Linkin 4B Smile – Lily 5C A student is missing black Manitoba Mukluks. These went missing Tuesday afternoon, before dismissal. Please return to the office if found.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Today is Day 1 Grade 7 & 8 boys basketball meeting right after announcements in the hallway. Boys will be dismissed from class at 2:55 for the game against Venture Heights Grade 7 & 9 girls basketball game Thursday after school. We will be hosting CRCEC at 3:45 pm. Shooting practice Thursday at 8:00 am…
Monday, December 2, 2019
Today is day 6. Girls 7-9 basketball practice tomorrow morning at 7:15.