Personal Technology Devices

Due to the abundance of technology that is provided at school, there is no need to send a device to school.  If emergencies arise, parents can always get in touch with their children by simply phoning the office.

Cell phone/hand held electronic device use will not be permitted on the school premises during school hours for students in Kindergarten to Grade 8.  Students who have devices will have them taken away and given to their homeroom teacher.  Phones can be retrieved at the end of the day.  Third time offenders will be dealt with by school administration.  Osler School staff supports relieving our elementary students from the burdens and anxieties associated with cell phone use and connectivity.

Being that we have high school students in our building, a “one size fits all” policy is not realistic.  We see value in the responsible use of handheld technology.  Therefore, our Grade 9 teachers will manage technology within their own classrooms and at recess and noon hour according to their professional discretion.  Use of cell phones will be restricted to the classroom when invited by their teacher.  Non negotiables, however, include no use of social media and respect for the privacy of all.  A 4 step policy will be followed in Grade 9:

Step 1 – loss for the day

Step 2 – loss for the day – parent must pick up

Step 3 – device stays home for a week – parent must pick up

Step 4 – permanent loss of device at school for the reminder of the
