From 8 am to 4 pm on school days, the bus bay area in front of the school is to be used exclusively for buses, emergency vehicles and for pick up/drop off of students in a wheelchair or with special needs. The entrance and exit to the bus bay must be kept clear.
Parents may park on the west side of 8th Avenue except where no parking signs are posted to provide the school patrol with a clear view. Parking is also available on 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Streets. This enables students to cross safely at the crosswalks and meet their parents. The church parking lot to the south of the school may be used for pick up/drop off, but full day parking is not permitted.
The east side of 8th Avenue is a No Parking Zone (Drop off zone only). The staff parking lots on both the north and south side of the building are not to be used for pick up or drop off.
We ask for your cooperation in making the parking areas around our school a ‘No Idle Zone’.