Prairie Spirit School Division has developed a webpage to provide information to students about career choices — please click here to visit the site to help you in your Planning for Life After High School.

The Public PowerSchool site for Parents and Students to access grades and marks is now linked above. Please do not Google the Powerschool site since many other school divisions use this program as well and you may have difficulty logging in if the correct site is not found. If logging in difficulties persist please email the school at

Inclement weather – when buses are not running in Warman, a dated announcement will be posted on the home page of Prairie Spirit School Division — this announcement will be posted no later than 7:00 a.m.

Bus Lane Parking – we would appreciate if parents would NOT park in the bus lane when picking up or dropping off students. We encourage you to use the south entrance of the school.

One Way – Please remember that entrance into the school parking lot is ONE WAY and you must enter from Klassen Street. Entering from Central Street causes traffic jams.