Grade 1 & 2 News

Happy Spring! I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter holiday with your families! I can’t believe that we are already in the middle of April; time sure flies when you’re having fun! We are still plugging away on a lot of the same units in grade one/two. We continue to have our ELA centers and readers workshop, and are starting an author study on Eric Carl with Mrs. Burgess, our teacher librarian. In math, the grade one’s have finished their unit on numbers to one hundred and are starting to learn about geometry. The grade two’s are still adding and subtracting to one hundred with Mr. Woods-Fehr. In science we are about half way through our unit on air and water in the environment. What amazing wind devices the kids have made at home! They are so creative! Thanks for your help with that! We are still working on safety for health as well.

Kindergarten & Grade 1 News

The sun is shining and we are happy to see the snow go! (Knock on wood).

The Ks have been busy with:

-Animated Literacy -Reader’s Workshop

-working with and recognizing numbers
-exploring and building basic shapes
-Quick Draw

The 1s are busy with:

-Reader’s and Writer’s Workshop
-We finished off our Oliver Jeffers author study with Mrs. Burgess by taking a rocket ship up to the moon!
-Story writing

-numbers from 0-100
-number sense
-skip counting (patterns in the 100 chart)

-The 4 Seasons

Together we are learning about:

-our families
-being kind

Phys. Ed:
-cooperative games
-tumbling and other gymnastic moves


-It is our in-school field trip on the afternoon of May 4th. Bricks 4 Kids (LEGO) are coming in to run some activities for us.

-Our sharing theme for the next 2 months is ‘Favourite Stuffy’. Each child has a designated day. Please check the April/May calendars that went home with your child before the break.

As always, pop in to see us any time!

The K/1s and Mrs. Martineau

Grade 1 & 2 News

Well I am sad to say my time in Grade 1/2 and at Hanley School has come to an end. It’s hard to believe 5 and a half months have al- ready passed since the start of this school year. The Grade 1/2s are a busy, energetic, fun and imaginative group of students. They have kept me busy and made the days fly by! Here are a few of the fun things we have en- joyed together during our last few weeks together… Making groundhogs, drinking OJ while listening to OJ (orange juice during Oliver Jeffers stories read by Ms. Burgess), swimming lessons, skating, 100th day party, Valentine’s Day party, and even a visit from a 100 year old Grandma Adelman! I’m sure they will have many more busy times and they will have a great end of their year with Mrs. (Stacey) Romanchuk.

I have had such an amazing time teaching the Grade 1/2s this year and I will miss seeing their smiling faces every day. Thank you so much for all of the support along the way. I will miss this class, school and community very much. Best wishes to all of you.

Take care,
Janet Adelman

Kindergarten & Grade 1 News

We are currently enjoying some warmer weather with lots of snow. Outside time has been very fun!

The Ks have been busy with:

  • ELA
    • Animated Literacy -Reader’s Workshop
  • Math
    • going on shape hunts around the school
    • exploring and building basic shapes
    • Quick Draw (exploring shapes)

The 1s are busy with:

  • ELA
    • Lips
    • Reader’s and Writer’s Work- shop
  • Math
    • numbers from 0-100 -number sense

Together we are learning about:

  • our families
  • street safety (including stranger safety)
  • being kind
  • Phys. Ed:
    • cooperative games
    • rolling, kicking, and throwing balls

Skating was so much fun on the 13th. We’ll try to go again be- fore it gets too warm!
Just a reminder that K-5 Report Cards go home at the beginning of March.
As always, pop in to see us any time!

The K/1s and Mrs. Martineau

Grade 1 & 2 News

Hello Parents!

It always seems to sur- prise me how fast time flies. Hard to believe November has come and almost gone!

Here is what the Grade 1/2 class has been up to for the last little while! We continue to explore reading strategies during our Reader’s Workshop time. The grade 1s are really starting to develop some great strategies for independent reading. As well, our reading stamina is growing! In Math, the grade 1s are continuing their work with numbers to 20. They are also getting time to work on IXL computer math, as well as with Mrs. Martineau playing a variety of math games. The grade 2s continue their work with numbers to 100. In Science the grade 1s have been exploring the five senses with Mrs. Martineau, while the grade 2s and I continue experimenting with the motion of objects. Social Studies has found us exploring families and traditions and in Health we are exploring healthy relationships. Always lots going on in the Grade 1/2 class!

I would like to remind everyone that the cold weather has shown up and it appears to be sticking around! Please remember to send your child with proper outside attire, as we will not have indoor recesses unless the weather gets to be – 25 degrees with the wind chill. As always, feel free to contact me anytime about any questions or concerns you have by phone or email!

Stay warm!
Janet Adelman

Kindergarten & Grade 1 News

We are keeping busy in K/1. You should come in and check out our Hot Chocolate Shop. We should warn you in ad- vance that our prices are pretty steep ($6 for a hot chocolate? An extra $7 for whipped cream? Whoa!).

In Reader’s Workshop we continue to practice what it means to be a ‘good reader’. We practice things like: picking a good spot to read, picking books that suit us, being able to retell stories based on the pictures, etc.

In Writer’s Workshop we’re working on: printing, letters and letter sounds, journals (Gr.1), etc.

In Grade 1 Math we are working with numbers from 0-20. In K Math we’re beginning to work on numbers from 0-10.

Phys. Ed. has us busy practicing different movement skills around the gym. We’re still working on not running into others or walls!

As always, feel free to come in and see us any time. We love visitors!

~The K/1s & Mrs. Martineau

Kindergarten & Grade 1 News

Hi K/1 Families,

We’re loving this turn to warmer weather and we’ve been enjoying lots of time outside! We have been very busy!

Ks- working on patterns and learning to make our own.
1s- working on writing numbers 1-20 (one-twenty) as numbers and as words.
Ks- Reader’s Workshop and beginning our Hand- writing Without Tears pro- gram
1s- Writer’s and Reader’s Workshop
Phys. Ed:
K/1- Respecting each other’s space/locomotor skills
Ks- Colours
1s: The 5 Senses
K/1: Being a good friend and solving friendship problems
Ks: Fall/Halloween Invitations
1s: Famous Artist’s Study (Currently working on Claude Monet)

As always, feel free to pop in to see us any time!
The K/1s & Mrs. Martineau

Grade 1 & 2 News

I hope you all enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend and got a chance to enjoy some time with family and friends. I sure got my fill of turkey!

Let me bring you all up to date on what has been happening in our classroom over the past month. In ELA, the grade 1s continue working with Mrs. McGregor on letters and letter sounds using the LIPS program and the grade 2s have been working independently on a variety of computer programs working on reading, spelling, and even typing. We have also been getting more set up in our Reader’s Workshop routines. We are currently working on building our reading stamina. In Math, the grade 1s are working on numbers to 20 and the grade 2s are extending their knowledge of numbers to 100. Science for the grade 1s has been a time for exploring living things and the grade 2s are learning all about position and motion of objects. We have also been excited about the addition of the vermicomposting system to our classroom (which will be shared amongst a few different classes). In Art, we got a chance to make some nature pictures while using items from nature as our materials for painting. They turned out great!

I would like to remind everyone that Tri-Conferences are coming up soon and you can book a time with Carey to come meet with me. I would love opportunity to meet with each of you and your child to show you a little more about what our grade 1/2 class is doing. As always, feel free to contact me anytime about any questions or concerns you have by phone or email! Take Care!

Janet Adelman

Grade 1 & 2 News

Wow! Our time in the Grade 1/2 class just keeps flying by!
Here are some of the highlights from the month!
Our Reader’s Workshop has us looking deeper into our reading stamina and we have started setting personal goals about how long we want to be able to read without stopping. We have also just started talking about activating our schema as we read (ask your child about it!). In Math, the Grade 2’s have started a measurement unit and are practicing measuring items using different units of measurement (paper clips, snap cubes, straws, etc.). In Science, we have started a new unit on liquids and solids and have been doing all sorts of cool experiments with liquids! We are having lots of fun in Science! Everyone is working hard and enjoying their time at school.

We have a very busy next couple of weeks coming up and here are a few items to take note of:

  • Grade 1/2 Field Trip to Wet Paint and Eastview Bowl in Saskatoon – Wednesday, May 28
  • Swimming Lessons for Try-All-A-Thon – May 29 and June 11
  • Farm Safety – June 9
  • Tri-Clinic – June 18

Please return signed Try-All-A-Thon permission forms to the school ASAP!
As always, feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns or just for an update
Wow! Our time in the Grade 1/2 class just keeps flying by!

I hope you all enjoyed a great May long weekend!
Janet Adelman

Grade 1 & 2 News

Hello Parents!

Another month has passed us by and we are enjoying warmer weather as well as some lovely puddles!

In ELA we are continuing to practice our reading and thinking our during reader’s workshop time. As well, we just finished up our Robert Munsch author study with a Munchy party! Thank you to Ms. Burgess for helping us learn all about Robert Munsch! In Math the Grade 1s are practicing skip counting and the Grade 2s we are working on adding numbers from 1 to 100. Our animal unit is nearly complete in Science and we have enjoyed our time learning about all sorts of animals!

A few exciting things we did this month included a field trip to the Destination Imagination film festival at the Broadway theatre in Saskatoon, leprechaun trap building, cleaning up leprechaun messes in our classroom and other fun St. Patrick’s Day art!

I am looking forward to seeing and meeting some of you during our Parent- Teacher Conferences this week!

Hope to see you all soon!

Janet Adelman